Sunday, June 16, 2024

Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ Collection

 Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ Collection 

The Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ Collection 

The Relative of Senpai Jesus Christ Collection 

Her princes were purer than snow,
whiter than milk,
more ruddy in body than rubies.
- Now their faces are blacker than soot
They are not recognized in the streets
- Race mixing mentioned in Bible Lamentations 4:7-8

Nearly half of contemporary Jewish Kohanim
shared Y-chromosomal J1 M267 J-P58 J1c3
while other Kohanim share a different ancestry,
such as haplogroup J2a J-M410
Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple
and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood
PMID: 19669163 PMC2771134 

Like as a Daddy on his Sons
Also have mercy
that God upon us

There is a Daddy who remains as Father
He protects his children
a Father is always a Daddy


Like as a Daddy on his Boys
Also have mercy
that God upon us

There is a Father who remains as Daddy
He protects his children
a Daddy is always a Father


Like as a Daddy on his Boys
Also have mercy
that God upon us

There is a Daddy who remains as daddy
He protects his children
a daddy is always a Daddy


Like as a Daddy on his Boys
Also have mercy
that God upon us

There is a daddy who remains as Daddy
He takes care of his children
a Daddy is always a daddy


The Holy Biblical Scripture of Amos 3:2 is actually the Eugenic warming from Hashem and the Biblical Eugenic events were happened in Ancient Ages and still continue will happening in future through many generations because God already said in Torah and Lord in Bible very serious 

Genesis 16:12 Arab Genetic Prophecy
Genesis 32:28 Jewish Genetic Prophecy
Matthew 10:34 Genetic Prophecy for Hebrews who got Jesus DNA from Senpai Jesus Christ in Matthew 27:25
1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7 Ancient Eugenic Preference
Amos 3:2 Holy Biblical Eugenic Warning from Hashem God Lord 

In those days I saw Judah Alpha Males married Waifu of Ashdod Ammon Moab.
Half of their Niños spoke Ashdodite language y did not know how to speak Judahite. I rebuked Alpha Male Men y called curses down on them. I beat some Alpha Men and pulled out their hair 

Abraham Daddy Bears, many Alpha Men !
In the Holy Biblical Scripture of Torah, written by the, God Chosen People.
Abraham Daddy Bears, patriarch, Ishmael, and king David.
Senpai Jesus, is the descendant of, Daddy, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Senpai Jesus Christ said,
All power in Heaven, and on Earth, has been given to me.
Therefore go, and make disciples, in all the nations,
and baptize them,
in the name of the, Daddy, the, Son, and the, Holy Spirit.
Daddy with you always,
even, to the end of the world.
Would Habibi, and uhmeegow, simp for Senpai Jesus Christ ?
Did uhmeegow, and Habibi, know that, Abraham Daddy Bears, many Alpha Sons, including Sensei Jesus Christ ? baaruch haashem !

Abraham Daddy bears many Alpha Men!
In the Holy Biblical Scripture of Torah written by the God Chosen People.
Abraham Daddy bears, patriarch Ishmael, and king David.
Senpai Jesus is the descendant of Daddy Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Senpai Jesus Christ said,
All power in Heaven, and on Earth, has been given to me.
Therefore, go and make disciples in all the nations,
and baptize them,
in the name of the Daddy, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Daddy with you always,
even to the end of the world. Amen 

Would Habibi and Amigo simp for Senpai Jesus Christ?
Did Amigo and Habibi know that, Abraham Daddy bears, many Alpha Sons including Sensei Jesus Christ? Baruch Hashem  

In private discussions, many Iranians, always prompt to portray themselves as "Aryans," concurred that Gyllenhaal accurately embodies how their ancestors must have looked, before Arabs invaded and imposed both their religion and complexion at the point of the sword - PBS

Cited an Iranian journalist working for PBS. If you have a problem with Iranians view on this subject, go take it up with them. Not me. They think Persians looked white before Arab conquest. Look I know white = bad but not everyone agrees with you.

Ancient Eugenic Aesthetic selection in Antique Mesopotamia Middle Eastern Western Asian

Like an eagle who rouses his nestlings,
Gliding down to his young,
So did God spread His wings and take him,
Bear him along on His pinions; 


According to the Mandate of Heaven,
the Glorious Patriarch Abraham Daddy bears
many Alpha Men.
In the Holy Biblical Scripture of Torah.
Written by the God Chosen People,
the Alpha Males of Hebrew.
The Righteous Abraham Daddy bears,
patriarch Ishmael, Esau, and king David.
Senpai Jesus is the descendant of Daddy Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and emperor David based on the Mandate of Heaven.
Senpai Jesus Christ said,
All power in Heaven, and on Earth, has been given to me.
Therefore, go and make disciples in all the nations,
and baptize them,
in the name of the Daddy, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Daddy with you always,
even to the end of the world. Amen
Would Habeebee and Ahmeegow simp for Senpai Jesus Christ?
Did Ahmeegow and Habeebee know that,
Abraham Daddy bears,
many Alpha Sons including Sensei Jesus Christ?
Baaruchh Haashem 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Clear Twitter format two pictures


corner below 1080 px

Enoch 105 Genesis 6:4 Numbers 13:33 Psalm 133:2
1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7


Splitting all genetic ingredients in the pure forms of main basal races by Global Admixture Analysis K6 Iosif Lazaridis, shows the hidden history of God Chosen People

Splitting all genetic ingredients
in the pure forms of main basal races
by Global Admixture Analysis K6 Iosif Lazaridis,
shows the hidden history of God Chosen People 


When Adonoy, your God, brings you into the land that you are coming there to inherit, Lord dislodges many nations from before you - the Hittite Girgashite Amorite Canaanite Perizzite Hivite Jebusite seven nations more numerous and more powerful than you

- Free earlobes or Detached earlobes are more common in European Caucasian Western Eurasian West Eurasian, African Sub Saharan African Bantu Black populations.
- Attached earlobes are more common in East Asian and Indigenous Native American aka Eastern Eurasian race.

Correspondence analysis depicting a global view of the relationship among Palestinians,
West Mediterraneans , East Mediterraneans , Greeks and sub Saharian populations
and Blacks according to HLA allele frequencies in three dimensions ( bidimensional
representation ) . HLA-DR and DQ ( low resolution ) allele frequencies data .

Correspondence analysis depicting a global view of the relationship among Palestinian West Mediterranean East Mediterranean Greek Sub Saharian populations and Black according to HLA allele frequencies in three dimensions (bidimensional representation) HLA-DR and DQ (low resolution) allele frequencies data.

The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations
Antonio Arnaiz Villena, Nagah Elaiwa, Carlos Silvera, Ahmed Rostom, Juan Moscoso, Eduardo Gómez Casado, Luis Allende, Pilar Varela, Jorge Martínez Laso 


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Scythian Reddit

Ancient sources described the Scythian's as blonde, Or redheaded

In artworks, the Scythians are portrayed exhibiting Caucasoid traits. The 5th-century Greek historian Herodotus describes the Budini of Scythia as red hair grey eye. Greek physician Hippocrates argued that the Scythians were light skinned. Greek poet Callimachus described the Arismapes (Arimaspi) of Scythia as fair haired. The 2nd century BC Han Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described the Sai (Saka), an eastern people closely related to the Scythians, as having yellow (probably meaning hazel or green) and blue eyes. In Natural History, the 1st century AD Roman author Pliny the Elder characterises the Seres, sometimes identified as Saka or Tocharians, as ginger hair blue eye and unusually tall. In the late 2nd century AD, the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria says that the Scythians and the Celts have long auburn hair. Greek philosopher Polemon includes the Scythians among the northern peoples characterised by red hair and blue grey eyes. Greek physician Galen writes that Scythian Sarmatian Illyrian Germanic peoples and other northern peoples have reddish hair. The fourth century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that the Alans, a people closely related to the Scythians, were tall, blond and light eyed. Bishop Gregory of Nyssa wrote that the Scythians were fair skin blond hair. The 5th-century physician Adamantius, who often follows Polemon, describes the Scythians are fair haired. It is possible that the later physical descriptions by Adamantius and Gregory of Scythians refer to East Germanic tribes, as the latter were frequently referred to as "Scythians" in Roman sources at that time.

In 2018, a genetic study of the earlier Srubnaya culture, and later peoples of the Scythian cultures, including the Scythians, was published in Science Advances. Members of the Srubnaya culture were found to be exclusively carriers of haplogroup R1a1a1 (R1a-M417), which showed a major expansion during the Bronze Age. Six male Scythian samples from kurgans at Starosillya and Glinoe were successfully analyzed. These were found to be carriers of haplogroup R1b1a1a2 (R1b-M269). The Scythians were found to be closely related to the Afanasievo culture and the Andronovo culture

(R1a-M417) in modern populations reaches it's highest levels in polish people.

haplogroup R1b1a1a2 Reaches it's highest levels among the modern french.

The Andronovo culture is a collection of similar local Bronze Age cultures that flourished c. 2000–900 BC in western Siberia and the central Eurasian Steppe. Physical remains of the Andronovo has revealed that they were Europoids with dolichocephalic skulls. Andronovo skulls are very similar to those of the preceding Fatyanovo–Balanovo culture, Abashevo culture and Sintashta culture, and the contemporary Srubnaya culture. They differ slighly from the skulls of the Yamnaya culture, Poltavka culture, Catacomb culture and Potapovka culture, which although being of a similar robust Europoid type, are less dolichocephalic. The physical type of Abashevo, Sintashta, Andronovo and Srubnaya is later observed among the Scythians.

2009, a genetic study of ancient Siberian cultures, the Andronovo culture, the Karasuk culture, the Tagar culture and the Tashtyk culture, was published in Human Genetics. Ten individuals of the Andronovo horizon in southern Siberia from 1400 BC to 1000 BC were surveyed. Extractions of mtDNA from nine individuals were determined to represent two samples of haplogroup U4 and single samples of Z1, T1, U2e, T4, H, K2b and U5a1

were determined to belong to haplogroup R1a1a, which is thought to mark the eastward migration of the early Indo-Europeans. Of the individuals surveyed, only two (or 22%) were determined to be Mongoloid, while seven (or 78%) were determined to be Caucasoid, with the majority being light-skinned with predominantly light eyes and light hair.

So, if you took a hundred poles and a hundred french people, mixed them together and gave 25 of them Chinese wives. Then looked at their children you'd have an idea of what the Scythian's and Sarmatians looked like

Haplogroups L1- L3A in the Near East reach their highest frequency
in the Yemen Hadramawt (∼35%). Other Arab populations -
Palestinian Jordanian Syrian Iraqi and Bedouin
have ∼10 -15% of lineages of sub Saharan African origin.
By contrast, non-Arab Near Eastern populations
Turk Kurd Armenian Azeri Georgian have few or no such lineages,
suggesting that gene flow from Africa
has been specifically into Arab populations - PMID: 12629598

We compared the frequency of haplogroups L1- L3A
in Jewish communities from the Near East with that
in non-Jewish communities residing historically in the same area-table1
. Near Eastern Jewish groups almost entirely lack haplogroups L1- L3A
(as, indeed, do Ashkenazi Jews [Thomas et al. 2002]).
The only exception is in Jews from Yemen, but, even here, these lineages
amount only to a quarter of their frequency in the non-Jewish sample
from the Hadramawt. (L1 and L2 types are completely absent.)

In the case of the Yemeni Jews, it is likely that the main conversions
took place between 70 a.d. and 132 a.d. (Mourant et al. 1978).

This pattern suggests that most female gene flow
from sub-Saharan Africa into the Near East - PMCID: PMC1180338
probably took place relatively recently, within the last ∼2500 years.


Haplogroups L1- L3A in the Near East reach their highest frequency
in the Yemen Hadramawt (∼35%). Other Arab populations -
Palestinian Jordanian Syrian Iraqi and Bedouin
have ∼10 -15% of lineages of sub Saharan African origin.
By contrast, non-Arab Near Eastern populations
Turk Kurd Armenian Azeri Georgian have few or no such lineages,

Near Eastern Jewish groups almost entirely lack haplogroups L1- L3A
(as, indeed, do Ashkenazi Jews [Thomas et al. 2002]).
The only exception is in Jews from Yemen, but, even here, these
lineages amount only to a quarter of their frequency in the non-Jewish
sample from the Hadramawt. (L1 and L2 types are completely absent.)

In the case of the Yemeni Jews, it is likely that the main conversions
took place between 70 a.d. and 132 a.d. (Mourant et al. 1978).
Sub Saharan African ancestry is ∼25% in Yemen,
4-8% in all Arabian and Near Easterner

except in Samaritan and Druze with 0-2% - PMID: 25738654

This pattern suggests that most female gene flow - PMID: 12629598
from sub-Saharan Africa into the Near East - PMCID: PMC1180338
probably took place relatively recently, within the last ∼2500 years.

Alpha Men were purer than snow,
Alpha Males were whiter than milk,
AIpha Men were more ruddy in body than rubies,
Alpha MaIes polishing was as of sapphire;
Now their AIpha Males are blacker than soot,
AIpha MaIes are not recognized in the streets
Lamentations 4

Genetically, most Ashkenazim are just Ancient Lebanese Christian mix North Italian Tuscany fusion Northern African Berber Amazigh
Levant Levantine has highest rate of breeding Alpha Male plus Abraham Daddy Bear many Alpha Sons who enjoy Dominating Beta Men globally 

Alpha Men become Kings everywhere Alpha Males live which reflect Strong Urge of Domination inherited from Abraham Daddy Bear many Alpha Male Men who become King globally
Emperors will come out from your Loins - Genesis 35:11 Alpha Male Loin Power !

The problem of assigning Biblical names to certain ethnic groups is that the genetic structure does not match.
Ashkenaz assigned with Armenians but Scandinavian such as Norwegians have totally different genetic build with both Ashkenazi and Armenian 

May God enlarge Japheth and
let him dwell in the tents of Shem

Genesis 9:27 God enlarge Japheth
let him dwell in the tents of Shem

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ

Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ married into the Royal Bloodline
of both European and Arab aristocrats.
It is easier to spot them among Priest class and Rabbinical lineage,
their phenotype are similar
and just one drop of Senpai Jesus Bloodline in a family
is enough to trigger phenotype pop up in the family tree.

Isaiah 60:16 - Thou shall guzzle the milk of the Goyim,
Suckle at the breast of Kings. ( Simp for me ! Simp for Chosenites ! )

Emperors shall be your Foster Daddies
Their Queens thy nursing Mothers
Goys shall bow down to you, face to the ground
Goyim lick up the dust of your feet and you shalt know that I am God
Those who trust in Me shall not be shamed - Isaiah 49:23

Matthew 10:34 Matthew 27:25 Exodus 19:6 Lamentations 4:7 Amos 3:2
1 Samuel 16:12 John 4:22 Genesis 35:11 Isaiah 60:16 Genesis 32:28


=== short version 

Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ married into the Royal Bloodline
of both European and Arab aristocrats - Isaiah 49:23
It is easier to spot them among Priest class and Rabbinical lineage,
their phenotype are similar
and just one drop of Senpai Jesus Bloodline in a family
is enough to trigger phenotype pop up in the family tree.

Matthew 10:34 Matthew 27:25 Exodus 19:6 Lamentations 4:7 Amos 3:2
1 Samuel 16:12 John 4:22 Genesis 35:11 Isaiah 60:16 Genesis 32:28 


=== compact version 

Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ married into the Royal Bloodline
of both European and Arab aristocrats - Isaiah 49:23 Isaiah 60:16
It is easier to spot them among Priest class and Rabbinical lineage,
their phenotype are similar - Lamentations 4:7 Matthew 27:25
and just one drop of Senpai Jesus Bloodline in a family - John 4:22
is enough to trigger phenotype pop up in the family tree - Amos 3:2

1 Samuel 16:12 Matthew 10:34 Exodus 19:6 Genesis 35:11 Genesis 32:28 

Lord said to Senpai Jacob
I am God Almighty Shaddai
Bear fruit and be many
Country, yea an assembly of nations
Shall descend from you
Kings will come out from your Loins

Publius Lentulus: “He is a tall, well-proportioned man and there is a severity in his countenance which attracted love and reverence. His hair is the color of new wine, from the roots to the ears and thence to the shoulders. He has never been seen to laugh but has been observed to weep. He talks little but with great quality.”

Pontius Pilate: “One day in passing the place of Siloe, I observed in the midst of a concourse of people a young man leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Senpai Jesus Christ. His golden-colored hair and beard were a contrast between him and his hearers with their black beards.”

Gamaliel: “He is the picture of his mother although his hair is a little more golden. He is tall and his shoulders are a little drooped. His eyes are blue. He is not a great talker unless there is something brought up about heaven and divine things when his eyes light up with peculiar brilliancy.”

Adams notes in his book that the descriptions of Senpai Jesus Christ given by Publius Lentulus and Gamaliel both speak of him as being tall, although Adams says “the average height of mankind at this period was somewhere around 5 feet and under.”


Publius Lentulus: “There is a severity in his countenance which
attracted love and reverence. His hair is the color of new wine.
He has never been seen to laugh but has been observed to weep.
He talks little but with great quality.”

Pontius Pilate: “One day in passing the place of Siloe, I observed
in the midst of a concourse of people a young man
leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told
it was Senpai Jesus Christ. His golden-colored hair and beard were
a contrast between him and his hearers with their black beards.”

Gamaliel: “He is the picture of his mother although his hair is a
little more golden. He is tall and his shoulders are a little drooped.
His eyes are blue. He is not a great talker unless
there is something brought up about heaven and divine things
when his eyes light up with peculiar brilliancy.”

The average height of mankind at Senpai Jesus period
was somewhere around 5 feet and under.

According to the From Eden to Exile by David Rohl,
Joseph, grandson of Daddy Abraham, original ancestor of Hebrew, has ginger red hair, pale skin and was called Asiatic by Indigenous Native Egyptians.

1 Kings 4:21 Exodus 23:31 Genesis 15:18-21 Greater Israel 

Caesar describing when he first saw Senpai Jesus

An allele (G) at rs12913832 near the OCA2 gene, with a proven association to blue eye color in individuals of European descent, has an estimated alternative allele frequency of 49% in the Levant_ChL population, suggesting that the blue eyed phenotype was common in the Levant Chalcolithic Copper Age Eneolithic.
PMID: 30127404 PMC6102297 Ancient DNA from Chalcolithic Israel reveals the role of population mixture in cultural transformation - Iosif Lazaridis Swapan Mallick

An allele (G) at rs12913832 near the OCA2 gene, with a proven association
to blue eye color in individuals of European descent, has an estimated
alternative allele frequency of 49% in Levant_ChL population,
suggesting that the blue eyed phenotype
was common in the Levant Chalcolithic Copper Age Eneolithic.
PMID: 30127404 PMC6102297
Ancient DNA from Chalcolithic Israel
reveals the role of population mixture in cultural transformation
- Iosif Lazaridis Swapan Mallick

Half of Ancient Hebrew Israeli Palestinian Canaanite population have Blue Eyes in the Chalcolithic Copper Age Eneolithic.

Solomon, also called Jedediah, whose mother was Bathsheba, the Ancestor of Senpai Jesus Christ according to the Genealogy of Senpai Jesus in Matthew, often considered to be Joseph's line.
A charming son is José,
A fruitful vine by a fountain; Its branches run over the wall.
The blessings of your Daddy
Surpass the blessings of my Ancestors,
To the utmost bounds of the Eternal Hills. May they rest on the Head of Giuseppe, On the brow of the elect of his brothers.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Uriah the Hittite Bathsheba is the great grandmother of Senpai Jesus Christ

Uriah the Hittite is the husband of Bathsheba.
Bathsheba is the great grandmother of Senpai Jesus Christ.

Uriah the Hittite is an Elite Soldier in the army of David,
king of Israel and Judah.

While Uriah was serving in King David's army abroad,
Emperor David, from the roof of his palace, looked down on his city
and spied upon Bathsheba bathing in the privacy of her courtyard.

Moved by lust at the sight of her, Emperor David called for Bathsheba
to be brought to him and slept with her, impregnating her.
In an effort to hide his misdeeds, King David called Uriah home from war,
hoping that Uriah and Bathsheba would have coitus and
that David would be able to pass David's child off as belonging to Uriah.

However, Uriah, being a disciplined soldier, refused to visit his waifu.

So David murdered Uriah by proxy by ordering all of Uriah's comrades
to abandon Uriah in the midst of battle,
so that Uriah ended up getting eliminated by an opposing army.
Following Uriah's death, David took Bathsheba as his eighth Waifu.

The Egyptian artists agree with the native Hittite monuments in representing the former with protrusive profile and Asiatic features - Archibald Henry Sayce 

God Chosen People have Epic Biblical stories in Holy Scripture of Torah Talmud Kabbalah Bible with amazing plot twits like Game of Thrones and Three Kingdoms such as Alpha Males did wrong but still get reward while Honest Hardworking Loyal folks get bad ending 

4000 years ago, God had to pick his chosen people. It was a tough decision to make. Lord finally settled for the one on the left.
- Arab
- European
1 Corinthians 1:25 Complete Jewish Bible For God's "nonsense" is wiser than humanity's "wisdom." And God's "weakness" is stronger than humanity's "strength."

ABRAM , his Sumerian name meant “Daddy’s Beloved”.
Terah, his daddy, not only was the head of the royal hosts of Nimrod,
but also high priest of Ur and accepted in the highest ranks
to performs the religious ceremonies at Nimmiru. Robert D. Mock MD

May Senpai Jesus's blood be upon us and our descendants !
New Testament phenotype after the Crucifixion of Senpai Jesus Christ
Wireless Genetic Modification Technology of Matthew 27:25 

Would you simp for Senpai Jesus Christ ?

احدى عينات تل مجيدو من الفترة بين 1500-1100 ق.م لديها تركيبة عجيبة غريبة فهي تجمع بين مكونات القوقاز ووادي الرافدين والهضبة الايرانية والاقوام الجرمانية والاقوام السامية وهذه الخلطة لاتنطبق الا على الكيشيين الذين عاشوا بنفس الحقبة في بلاد بابل

Portuguese and Spaniards explaining how they are WHITE

Areus, King of the Lacedaemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting:

We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered that both the Jews and the Lacedemonians are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Daddy Abraham - Josephus’s Antiquities, 12.4.10 

Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ married into the Royal Bloodline of both European and Arab aristocrats, it is easier to spot them among the Priest class, their phenotype are similar and just one drop of Senpai Jesus Bloodline in a family is enough to trigger phenotype pop up in the family tree.