Deer Lovely Caucasoid Caucasian Male Men Male Males Men Males
Peak Alpha Male phenotype God Chosen People
Luke 2:21-39
Autist Autism Autistic phenotype maxing mentioned in Holy Biblical Scripture Bible 1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7 Psalm 133:2
Deer Lovely Caucasoid Caucasian Male Men Male Males Men Males
Peak Alpha Male phenotype God Chosen People
Luke 2:21-39
Autist Autism Autistic phenotype maxing mentioned in Holy Biblical Scripture Bible 1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7 Psalm 133:2
Blessed are the Neckbeard
for the neck beard will inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5
But the neckbeards will inherit the land
and the neck beards delight themselves in abundant peace
- Psalm 37:11 1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7 Psalm 133:2
Daddy with you always, even to the end of the world
- Matthew 28:20
I will bless those who bless neckbeard - Genesis 12:3
but I will curse anyone who curses neck beards
and by neckbeards all the families of the earth will be blessed.
God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise
Lord set what is weak in the world to humiliate the strong
1 Corinthians 1:27
If it is just simply an Ideology
that can makes a Tiger able to fly in the sky
then the descendants of Abraham Daddy Bear many Alpha Males
have no business in this Mortal Realm
These will come from far away, from the north and the west, and the land of China - Isaiah 49:12
Y DNA of Ancient Khazarian was identified as R1a, the primers specific to SNP mutations R1a-Z280 and R1a-Z93 revealed that Khazaria samples showed negative Z280 and positive Z93 mutations. Khazar gene was interpreted to be R1a-Z93 signature
Many peoples with a rather large share of R1a-Z93, who speak Turkic languages, and who closely related to DNA lineages of excavated Khazar (some of them live in Caucasus mountain, former Scythian Khazaria land, Volga river, such as Tatar Bashkir
The discovered subclades R1a-Z93 and haplotypes from two Khazar burials, one of early Khazarian and another of late Khazaria ages, are likely to be assigned to Turkic nomadic tribe migrated between Central Asian Altai region and Black Sea - Haak et al., 2015; Allentoft et al
Eran Elhaik - Most Druze can traced their DNA to highest mountains in Turkiye Turkish Turkey, northern Iraq and southern Armenia, Zagros Mountain, Mount Ararat – very close to ancient Ashkenaz
Are Druze Khazarian ?
Unlike Palestinian Bedouin Arab Syrian who share between 36-70% ancient Levant ancestry, the Israelite Israeli Druze have only a minor Levantine component of 15% and significantly higher 80% ancient Armenian ancestry - عيران الحايك
In Song of Solomon 7:4-5, King Solomon says to his Waifu
“Thy neck is as an ivory tower; thine eyes are as pools in Esebon… Thy head upon thee is as Carmel, and the curls of thy hair like scarlet.”
Ivory is white, pools are blue y scarlet is red
Thus, Emperor Solomon's waifu had naturally light skin blue eyes red hair.
O mortal, there were two women, daughters of one mother
They played whoredom in Egypt, they committed harlotry in their youth
there were their breasts squeezed y their virgin nipples were handled
Their names were: the elder one, Oholah; y her sister, Oholibah
They became Mine, y they bore sons y daughters
Thus were their names, Ohola is Samaria y Oholiva is Jerusalem
Oholah whored while she was Mine
y she lusted on her lovers, the Assyrian warriors
clothed in blue, governors y prefects, cavalry troops
all of them handsome young fellows
Thus she committed her lewd practices with them
upon all the pick of Ashshur males
y defiled herself with all their fetishes after which she lusted
Neither hath she left her harlotries brought from Mizraim
for in her youth they lay with her, y they bruised her virgin teats
y they poured out their lust upon her
Wherefore I delivered her into the hand of her lovers
into the hand of the Assyrians, upon whom she doted
Her sister Oholibah saw this
yet her lusting was more depraved than her sister’s
y her whoring more debased
She lusted upon the children of Ashshur her neighbours
captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously
horsemen riding upon horses, all of the charming young men
Y I saw how she had defiled herself
Both of them followed the same course
but she carried her whoring further
For she saw men sculptured upon the walls
figures of Chaldeans drawn in vermilion
girded with belts round their waists
y with flowing turbans on their heads
all of them looking like officers
a picture of Babylonians whose native land was Kasdim
Y as soon as she saw them she doted upon them
y sent messengers unto them into Chaldea
Y the children of Bavel came to her into the bed of love
y they defiled her with their lust
y she was polluted with them
y her soul was alienated from them
She flaunted her harlotries y exposed her nakedness
Y I turned from her in disgust, as I had turned disgusted from her sister
But she whored still more
remembering how in her youth
she had played the whore in the land of Egyptians
she lusted for concubinage with them
whose flesh is as the flesh of donkeys
Y whose organs were like those of stallions
Thus thou didst call to remembrance the wantonness of your youth
when they from Egypt bruised thy breasts for the bosom of thy youth
Ezekiel 23:2-21
Ancient Natufian have more than 2% North East Asian admixture show as Tiny Red color while Levant Levantine Bronze Age has more than 1% Northern East Asian dna appear as Small Red colour
Old Testament is a serial drama about the Ancient Alpha Male Centric culture within the family of Abraham Daddy Bear many Alpha Sons
The competition of Esau vs Jacob y Judah versus Joseph in order to gain Father favor of Daddy centric Civilization
After 45000 years of Eugenic Phenotype Selection,
German eliminate Sub Saharan African y Dravidian Aboriginal Indian related admixture
Left photo is Bahun which is group of closest genetic distance to Haplogroup K of Earliest German, Right pictures are Germans
Bahun either look more Caucasian or more East Eurasian phenotype or like having Caucasian protrude long nose with small eye Asiatic likeness. It seem like Phenotype Eugenic Selection highly favor Pale skin if the original German look like Bahun
Left - German after 45000 year of Eugenic phenotype
Right - Earliest Original German 45000 years ago
Ancient Hebrew Israelite Israeli Jewish Jew Judah tribes have the proof of using Marijuana Cannabis among the High Priest of Kohen Cohen Kohan Cohan Kohanim Cohanim Cohenim Kohenim
- Huge Judaization in Persian Empire (Esther 8:17) - Tiny Purple Dominant Blue DNA ( Left pic )
- Massive Hebraization of Edomites imposed by John Hyrcanus I (Josephus Antiquities of Jews Book 13 Chapter 9 Section 1-2; Amos 9:11-12) - Small Orange Dominant Blue
The alien in your midst will rise above you, higher and higher, while you descend lower and lower
The foreigners will be your creditor, but you will not be theirs, the sojourners will be on the top and you will be their inferior - Deuteronomy 28:43-44
Our heritage was subverted to strangers, our homes to foreigners.
Slaves are ruling over us, with none to rescue us from them.
But You, O Eternal One, are enthroned forever,
Why have You forgotten us utterly,
abandon us through lengthy days? - Lamentations 5
Torah Bible is easiest to understand, hardest to master
May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh - Genesis 48:20
May Hashem Lord God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh - Genesis 48:20
Lamentations 4:7-8 Ancestral Coal history of Middle Eastern Mesopotamian Levant which result endless Wars as Eternal punishment by Hashem Lord God
- Her Nazarites were purer than snow, whiter than milk
Now their faces are blacker than coal; in the streets they go unrecognized
Cosmetological Genetic Engineer or Cosmetological Gene Editing will eliminate the influence of Europe cuz Arab, Chinese with Blue eye Blond Beard Ginger Beard Red Beard result Efficient Pan Arabism due to intensity in group preference of Aesthetic satisfaction
Holy Biblical Scripture promote Genetic Editing CRISPR Genetic Engineer Cas9 Cas 9
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, I will raise them up at the last day - John 6:54
His blood be on us and on our children - Matthew 27:25
Can change his skin color or a leopard his spots ?
Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil - Jeremiah 13:23
Ancient Holy Biblical Scripture sounds like from Genetic Experts
- Lucifer means Light Bringer or Dawn Bringer or Light Bearer or Dawn Bearer or Morning Star or Day Star לוציפר
- Senpai Jesus Christ mean God Save the Anointed One or the Salvation Chosenite or God Saves the Chosen One or the Chosen Savior
Cultures can be adopt, influence, modify, fix
Cultural choices are decided by the majority or a small group of Elite stock
Culture is influenced by many factors such as environment, demographic, diversity, biology
CuIture reflect Collectivism
CuItures are Collectivist preference
Culture is a reflection of collectivist preference in Aesthetic sense and Indigenous Native metaphysics
- High DHT high IQ cultures respect Alpha Male Men
- Low DHT high IQ cuIture pro Gynocentrism with Gynocentric values especially HR department and Single Mom
Racism creates an efficient Sociological Eugenic environment to mold many Ethnicity and Tribes turning to more integrate with Western Aesthetic and West beauty through Phenotype Preference overtime so most Attractive Indian become Alpha Male just like the Chosenite
ויאמר לו אלהים אני אל שדי פרה ורבה גוי וקהל גוים יהיה ממך ומלכים מחלציך יצאו
זכו נזיריה משלג צחו מחלב אדמו עצם מפנינים ספיר גזרתם
כשמן הטוב על הראש ירד על הזקן זקן אהרן שירד על פי מדותיו
ויהי ככלתו לדבר אל שאול ונפש יהונתן נקשרה בנפש דוד ויאהבו יהונתן כנפשו
Whiteness in Bible: 1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7 Song of Solomon 7:4
- Huge Judaization in Persian Empire (Esther 8:17) Purim Converts===
- Esther 8:17- Purim Converts
- Amos 9:11-12- Edomites Convert
- The imposter High Priest lineage (Jeremiah 51:51-52)
- The planting of foreigners in Judaea by Persians during the Second Temple Period (Ezra 4:1-10)
- Huge Judaization in Persian Empire (Esther 8:17) Purim Converts
- Massive Hebraization of Edomites imposed by John Hyrcanus I
(Josephus Antiquities of Jews Book 13 Chapter 9 Section 1-2
; Amos 9:11-12)
- The imposter Kohanim High Priest lineage (Jeremiah 51:51-52)
- The planting of foreigners in Judaea by Iranians
during the Second Temple Period (Ezra 4:1-10)
- Admixture between Second Temple Period Judahites
and these foreign migrants convert
(Ezra 9:1-2, Ezra 10:10, Nehemiah 13:23-27)
- The Canaanites who are dwelling in Israel prior to New Jerusalem
(Zechariah 14:21; parallel with Revelation 22)
- Ancient Miscegenation (Lamentations 4:7-8) Race Mixing
(Lamentation 5) Ethnic Replacement
Ashkenazi genetic heat map Ashkenazi Jew genetic heatmap
High DHT high IQ boost the consistent birthrate among Chinese
although high IQ high DHT increase the homosexual gay bisexual tendency among Males, it enchant more efficient teamwork and in group preference like Ashkenazi
High DHT high lQ is the most Biblical Eugenic strategy
Armenian is a Jew who followed rolling coin into Church
Armenians are just Jews who followed a rolling coin into Church
Phenotype Affection and High Trust Society are the two most valuable assets to build a nation country because those elements improve inter ethnic satisfaction, fulfill in group aesthetic desire, boost teamwork efficiency
Palestinian genetic heat map Palestinian genetic heatmap Palestinian DNA Palestine DNA
Imperialism and Colonialism are result of High DHT high IQ Alpha Males in charge who want to shape the world by their Alpha Male Vision
- when Alpha Men population high IQ high DHT decrease, result Beta MaIe government that unable to fix corruption
During 1960s, one neighborhood in San Francisco
had Lowest income
highest unemployment rate with incomes under 4000 dollar a year,
That neighborhood called Chinatown
Yet, in 1965, there were only five person of Chinese ancestry
committed to prison in California
James Quinn Wilson
Pontius Pilate described the appearance of Senpai Jesus Christ as follows:
“One day in passing by the place of Siloe, where there was a great concourse of people,
I observed in the midst of the group a young man
who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude.
I was told it was Jesus.
This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between Him and those listening to Him.
His golden coloured hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect.
He appeared to be about thirty years of age.
Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance.
What a contrast between Him and His hearers with their black beards and tawny complexions.”
Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ Collection
The Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ Collection
The Relative of Senpai Jesus Christ Collection
Her princes were purer than snow,
whiter than milk,
more ruddy in body than rubies.
- Now their faces are blacker than soot
They are not recognized in the streets
- Race mixing mentioned in Bible Lamentations 4:7-8
Nearly half of contemporary Jewish Kohanim
shared Y-chromosomal J1 M267 J-P58 J1c3
while other Kohanim share a different ancestry,
such as haplogroup J2a J-M410
Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple
and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood
PMID: 19669163 PMC2771134
Like as a Daddy on his Sons
Also have mercy
that God upon us
There is a Daddy who remains as Father
He protects his children
a Father is always a Daddy
Like as a Daddy on his Boys
Also have mercy
that God upon us
There is a Father who remains as Daddy
He protects his children
a Daddy is always a Father
Like as a Daddy on his Boys
Also have mercy
that God upon us
There is a Daddy who remains as daddy
He protects his children
a daddy is always a Daddy
Like as a Daddy on his Boys
Also have mercy
that God upon us
There is a daddy who remains as Daddy
He takes care of his children
a Daddy is always a daddy
The Holy Biblical Scripture of Amos 3:2 is actually the Eugenic warming from Hashem and the Biblical Eugenic events were happened in Ancient Ages and still continue will happening in future through many generations because God already said in Torah and Lord in Bible very serious
Genesis 16:12 Arab Genetic Prophecy
Genesis 32:28 Jewish Genetic Prophecy
Matthew 10:34 Genetic Prophecy for Hebrews who got Jesus DNA from Senpai Jesus Christ in Matthew 27:25
1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7 Psalm 133:2 Ancient Eugenic Preference
Amos 3:2 Holy Biblical Eugenic Warning from Hashem God Lord
Nehemiah 13
In those days I saw Judah Alpha Males married Waifu of Ashdod Ammon Moab.
Half of their Niños spoke Ashdodite language y did not know how to speak Judahite. I rebuked Alpha Male Men y called curses down on them. I beat some Alpha Men and pulled out their hair
Abraham Daddy Bears, many Alpha Men !
In the Holy Biblical Scripture of Torah, written by the, God Chosen People.
Abraham Daddy Bears, patriarch, Ishmael, and king David.
Senpai Jesus, is the descendant of, Daddy, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Senpai Jesus Christ said,
All power in Heaven, and on Earth, has been given to me.
Therefore go, and make disciples, in all the nations,
and baptize them,
in the name of the, Daddy, the, Son, and the, Holy Spirit.
Daddy with you always,
even, to the end of the world.
Would Habibi, and uhmeegow, simp for Senpai Jesus Christ ?
Did uhmeegow, and Habibi, know that, Abraham Daddy Bears, many Alpha Sons, including Sensei Jesus Christ ? baaruch haashem !
Eugenic was widely practiced among ancient Hebrew Israeli Israelite through Eugenics Phenotype Preference Selection mention in Holy Biblical Scripture Torah Talmud 1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7 Psalm 133:2
Abraham Daddy bears many Alpha Men!
In the Holy Biblical Scripture of Torah written by the God Chosen People.
Abraham Daddy bears, patriarch Ishmael, and king David.
Senpai Jesus is the descendant of Daddy Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Senpai Jesus Christ said,
All power in Heaven, and on Earth, has been given to me.
Therefore, go and make disciples in all the nations,
and baptize them,
in the name of the Daddy, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Daddy with you always,
even to the end of the world. Amen
Would Habibi and Amigo simp for Senpai Jesus Christ?
Did Amigo and Habibi know that, Abraham Daddy bears, many Alpha Sons including Sensei Jesus Christ? Baruch Hashem
In private discussions, many Iranians, always prompt to portray themselves as "Aryans," concurred that Gyllenhaal accurately embodies how their ancestors must have looked, before Arabs invaded and imposed both their religion and complexion at the point of the sword - PBS
Cited an Iranian journalist working for PBS. If you have a problem with Iranians view on this subject, go take it up with them. Not me. They think Persians looked white before Arab conquest. Look I know white = bad but not everyone agrees with you.
Ancient Eugenic Aesthetic selection in Antique Mesopotamia Middle Eastern Western Asian
Like an eagle who rouses his nestlings,
Gliding down to his young,
So did God spread His wings and take him,
Bear him along on His pinions;
According to the Mandate of Heaven,
the Glorious Patriarch Abraham Daddy bears
many Alpha Men.
In the Holy Biblical Scripture of Torah.
Written by the God Chosen People,
the Alpha Males of Hebrew.
The Righteous Abraham Daddy bears,
patriarch Ishmael, Esau, and king David.
Senpai Jesus is the descendant of Daddy Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and emperor David based on the Mandate of Heaven.
Senpai Jesus Christ said,
All power in Heaven, and on Earth, has been given to me.
Therefore, go and make disciples in all the nations,
and baptize them,
in the name of the Daddy, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Daddy with you always,
even to the end of the world. Amen
Would Habeebee and Ahmeegow simp for Senpai Jesus Christ?
Did Ahmeegow and Habeebee know that,
Abraham Daddy bears,
many Alpha Sons including Sensei Jesus Christ?
Baaruchh Haashem
Best part in Bible 1 Samuel 18:1-4 Isaiah 49:23 Isaiah 60:16 John 4:22 Lamentations 4:7-8 1 Samuel 16:12 Blackpill Biblical verse Nehemiah 13:23-27
D E1b1b - Conservative Samaritan
R1b O - Progressive German East Asian ( Best Daddy )
G R1a N - Passive Georgian Slavic Slav Finnish Finn
I J T - Acquisitive Nordic Scandinavian Semitic Semite ( Rich Daddy )
C E1b1a Q - Aggressive Turkic Turk Bantu Native American
D & E1b1b - Conservative (Priest)
R1b & O - Progressive (Philosopher)
G & R1a & N - Passive (Farmer)
I & J & T - Acquisitive (Merchant)
C & E1b1a & Q - Aggressive (Warrior)
A & B - Primitive (Hunter-Gatherer)
However, in City of nation country Hashem Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance
do not leave alive anything that breathes
Completely genocide Hittite Amorite Canaanite Perizzite Hivite Jebusite as Yahweh your God has commanded Habibi Deuteronomy 20:16-18
Seven Enemies in Holy Biblical Scripture of Torah Bible are Hittite Girgashite Amorite Canaan Perizzite Hivite Jebusite
The problem is there is NO Rabbi who are expert in Geneticist and Talmud to recognize Genetic Builds of 7 Enemies of Ancient Hebrew Israeli Israelite
רק מערי העמים האלה אשר יהוה אלהיך נתן לך נחלה לא תחיה כל נשמה
כי החרם תחרימם החתי והאמרי הכנעני והפרזי החוי והיבוסי כאשר צוך יהוה אלהיך
I form the light y create darkness
I make peace y erect evil:
I, the Lord, do all these things
יוצר אור ובורא חשך עשה שלום ובורא רע אני יהוה עשה כל אלה