Dugin's prophetic visionary
After European and Western civilization collapsed, the birth of an epic civilization will rise from the East, meet the Sino Abrahamic civilization, the awakening of Abrahamic Dragon and things will get epic just like the Final Fantasy realm
Some Hebrew males have facial phenotype that is very suitable to Japanese East Asian aesthetic ? The Hebraic males are seem to be chosen in both spiritual and physical aspects, balanced between inner beauty and outer handsomeness
The Hebrews do not look Arab nor European .
Neither too Western Eurasian nor too Eastern Eurasian .
Not too masculine and not too feminine ,
a balanced beauty of East and West ,
between Oriental and Occidental .
A rare creation of the forgotten ancient civilizations ?
I have to admit the Chosenite Chosen people tend to have the most unconventional beauty
Hebrew males tend to have unconventional beauty which is an acquired taste, only people who related to the Ultimate Father Abraham and Glorious Moses Shifu, is able to appreciate the Hebraic beauty, an inner beauty beyond the physical matters of earthy entity
- Payot is the sign of ancient haircut because the Chosenite Chosen people were one of the oldest survivors from the lost ancient civilizations in the mysterious Mesopotamia.
What is the difference between Russian and Jew ?
One was slave to Pharaoh, the other was slave to Khan
Hebrew was slave to Pharaoh and Russian was slave to Khan
Russian is the last thought of God and Hebrew is who wrestled with God and humanity … Алекса́ндр Ге́льевич Ду́гин Genesis 32:28
你 的 名 不 要 再 叫 雅 各
要 叫 以 色 列
因 為 你 與 神 與 人 較 力
都 得 了 勝
但 謙 卑 人 必 承 受 地 土 以 豐 盛 的 平 安 為 樂
One was slave to Pharaoh, the other was slave to Khan
One is the last thought of God, the other wrestled with God and humanity
The two most important game changers of humanity are the Russians and the Hebrews. Two biblical races will lead humanity through the struggle of Good and Evil in this Chaotic galaxy based on the Mandate of Hashem.
Hail Jesus Christ the Asiatic King of Celestial Realm
The Mandate of Heaven approach, so many folks want to claim as Chosenites from European to African.
- Who is the true Chosen people? Let Hashem decide.
- The belief of noble ancestor as motivation to build high tier civilization & safe neighborhood is good for humanity.
The world will become a better place when the virtue competition is considered the most worthy kind of tournament.
The best approach of resolving the ancestral origin claims between different party units is the Mandate of Heaven.
The two most important game changers of humanity are the Russians and the Hebrews. Two biblical races will lead humanity through the struggle of Good and Evil in this Chaotic galaxy based on the Mandate of Hashem.
By the Mandate of Hashem, the struggle between Evil and Good of humanity will be resolved by the Russians and the Hebrews. Both have the highest rate of critical game changers with mythical spiritual ability to change the destiny of many nations either for better or worse.
Who will save humanity ? Russian or Ashkenazim
The two most important game changers of humanity are the Russians and the Hebrews. Two biblical races will lead humanity through the struggle of Good and Evil in this Chaotic galaxy based on the Mandate of Hashem.
One was slave to Pharaoh, the other was slave to Khan
One is the last thought of God, the other wrestled with God and humanity.
For the Jew on a stick, being risen from the dead, is to become the First Fruits of those who have fallen asleep. To Him be Glory and Dominion unto the Ages of ages. Amen
The world will become more alpha when the wisdom competition is considered the most worthy kind of tournament.
Big corporations collect genetic data around the world. If I am the elite, I hire top notch geneticists to study the strength and weakness of each admixture combination, so I can exploit and take advantage of different races around the world to benefit myself.
Everyone want to rule the world if he has an opportunity ,
I just opened Pandora's box of wicked thoughts …
It is through Christianity that
Judaism has really conquered the world .
Christianity is the masterpiece of Judaism .
Joseph Ernest Renan
The Chosenite Chosen people love to be priest based on Exodus 19:6
Be Hebrews
- Kawaii population but being invaded by barbarians
- Put all attribute points to Charisma and Intelligence
- Get rich
- Have a lot of children, then penetrate many religious organizations .
If all Westerners are able to think Deviously, so they can protect themselves efficiently,
the cost is low trust society and fierce competition like Game of Thrones
because everyone are highly capable to become genius politicians and ambitious entrepreneurs
Esau is East Asian and Jacob is Asiatic White Hebrew.
Highest Spatial Intelligence is East Asian.
Highest Verbal Intelligent is Ashkenazi Jew.
Genesis 25:27 Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; ( Spatial IQ )
and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents ( Verbal IQ )
Esau is actually East Asian, the most resistant force that barely affected by Abrahamic influence.
- Eastern Asian is the last bastion resisting the masculine alpha aspect of the Sons of Abraham.
- East Asian is the final fortress of Eastern Eurasian civilization.
Majority of Rabbi Rebbe Rav seem to be not consider about genetic biological approach which is the most straightforward perspective to interpret the complexity of Torah Biblical Ancient Scripture in Occam's razor lens. Edom is East Asian and Eastern Asians are Edomites.
Europeans are not Edomites neither Edom nor Esau for they are too naive altruistic and lack of cunning.
猶 太 人 是 要 神 蹟 、 希 利 尼 人 是 求 智 慧
猶 太 人 是 要 神 蹟
希 利 尼 人 是 求 智 慧
The Mandate of Heaven approach :
There are many folks who claim as Chosenites
from European to African .
- Who are the true Chosen people ? Let Hashem decide .
- The belief of glorious ancient noble ancestors as motivation
to build high tier civilization and safe neighborhoods is good for humanity .
- The world will become a better place when the virtue competition
is considered the most worthy kind of tournament .
- Therefore, the best approach of resolving the ancestral origin claims
between different party units is the Mandate of Heaven .
- Mandate of Hashem is the belief that the Hebrew Chosenite Jewish emperor had a divine right to rule given him by the Hashem.
- Jewish Chosen emperor had limited power restricted by Torah and Sanhedrin but also a responsibility to rule to be the Light unto the Goyim.
Christianity is the most naive altruistic religion.
Naive Altruism good sounding Virtue ideology.
The Chosenites mostly live in White Christian majority nations from Europe to America which is an interesting pattern. Chosen people like to make friends with rich Christians.
It is through Christianity that
Judaism has really conquered the world .
Christianity is the masterpiece of Judaism .
Joseph Ernest Renan
Jesus Christ the Asiatic King of Celestial Kingdom the Ruler of Heavenly Realm the Emperor of Central World
Optimized Jesus Christ appearance based Ancient Egyptian record, Genetic admixture lens, Torah Biblical verse connection.
- If Jesus looks handsome then most folks believe him due to his majestic appearance instead of pure faith which is opposite to the prophecy.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. Isaiah 53:2
Lamentations 4:7 Complete Jewish Bible
Her princes were purer than snow; they were whiter than milk ,
their bodies more ruddy than pink pearls, as beautiful as sapphires .
Ancient Egyptians described
the Canaanites and Levantines
as fair skinned Asiatics -
Rise of the Hyksos by Anna-Latifa Mourad
Majority of Europeans are naive altruism and most Europeans are naive altruistic due to Christianity.
Christianity is the most Philo Semitic faith.
Christianity is the most Naive Altruistic religion.
Christianity is the religion of the Meekest of the Meek.
Christianity loves immigrants, foreigners, strangers and aliens most.
Christianity is the most Philo Semitic faith and the most Naive Altruistic religion of the Meekest of the Meek.
It is through Christianity that
Judaism has really conquered the world .
Christianity is the masterpiece of Judaism .
Joseph Ernest Renan
Christianity is the most Philo Semitic faith and the most Naive Altruistic religion of the Meekest of the Meek.
The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the foreigner as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34
Loving your enemies
Turning the other cheek
Love the foreigner as yourself
Meek shall inherit the earth
Christianity is the most Philo Semitic faith and the most Naive Altruistic religion of the Meekest of the Meek.
It is through Christianity that
Judaism has really conquered the world.
Christianity is the masterpiece of Judaism.
Joseph Ernest Renan
Jesus Christ sent Genghis Khan to punish both European and Arab Western Asian West Asian
The Russians believed God sent the Mongols as a punishment for their sins, and rather
than stray further away from God https://blogs.dickinson.edu/quallsk/2014/09/18/novgorod-chronicle-and-mongol-invasion
Whitest Africans are Arabs based on genetic admixture perspective.
Whitest Africans love Islam and majority of Arabs are Muslims.
The founder of Islam is an Arab.
So Islam is the Whitest African religion and Whitest African faith is Islam the religion of peace.
Arabs are not European whites, Arabs are Afro White and Whitest Africans are Arabs based on genetic admixture breakdown.
Western Eurasians are the most powerful people on Earth. West Eurasians are everywhere from Northern African to Southern Asian to Central Asian to Western Asian to Middle Asian to European to Middle Eastern.
The Chosen people meme
4000 years ago, Hashem had to pick his chosen people. It was a tough decision to make. He finally settled for the one on the left. The Chosenite meme
The Chosen people meme
4000 years ago, God had to pick his chosen people. It was a tough decision to make. He finally settled for the one on the left. The Chosenite meme.
Ancient Egyptian records inform the Earliest Original Ancestor of Hebrew Hebraic people is the Ancient Noble Elite with Ginger Beard Red Hair with Asiatic appearance and Jesus Christ is Asiatic White because Antique Egyptian documents said so Jesus is Asiatic White.
Ancient Egyptian record said that the earliest original ancient ancestor of Hebrews were Asiatic White. Antique Egyptian document reveals the plot twist about the ancient noble elite of Hebraic people.
From Eden to exile by David Rohl
Chapter Eight
famous coat-of-many-colours. This was no ordinary statue. It was nearly three metres high. It depicted Joseph in his prime, with flame-red hair, a pale yellow skin tone (to indicate his northern origins), and a throw-stick held across the right shoulder as his symbol of high office … but also clearly marking him out as an Asiatic (and not Egyptian) servant of Pharaoh. The body of the statue was painted as if wrapped in the full-length robe of the vizier. But it was a vizier's cloak of a very different kind - decorated in an elaborate pattern of reds, blues, blacks and whites to represent the woven coat-of-many-colours' of a Middle Bronze Age Asiatic chieftain.
This was an extraordinary burial for a commoner
Asiatic White is mentioned by Ancient Egyptian is related to the rarest case of phenotype passing through admixture in genetic analysis breakdown view. It has consistent linked with Deuteronomy 26:5 because Syrian genetic build also has East Asian admixture.
If majority European & American believe Jesus was brown, then it is a twitch to open door for mass immigrants from Middle East due to naive altruism.
- Asiatic White is rarest phenotype in Western Eurasian, found in priest, scientist so Egyptian pill is based.
American, Christian, European should take the Egyptian pill to avoid being exploited by naive altruism and hypocrites.
The most based pill for Philo Semitic folks, Europeans, Christians and Americans is the Egyptian pill.
Nordic Scandinavians have similar genetic build which is tiny Indigenous Native American admixture mix Dominant Blue for Western Eurasian.
( Tiny Green - Dominant Blue )
- Except Finnish & Russians added a little bit of East Asian gene. ( Green - Yellow - Blue )
Nature is underrated while Nurture is overrated.
White people is very diversity with diverse admixture variety from Northern African to Arab to Middle Eastern to Western Asian to Southern Asian to Central Asian to European to Middle Asian.
- When you see the world as you are playing Elden Ring or video game. Things become more clear.
Global Admixture Analysis K6
- Each color shows how much genetic components are shared among different ethnic groups around the world.
- Blue = Western Eurasian = White gene.
- Green and Yellow = Eastern Eurasian = Indigenous Native American and East Asian dna.
- Purple = Southern Eurasian = Aboriginal adn.
- Orange and Red = Sub Saharan African admixture.
Peak Civilizations or Superpowers tend to be Dominant Blue or Yellow :
Russian, Persian, Greek, Egyptian, Indian, Arab, Turk, Ashkenazim, Japanese
West Eurasians are the most powerful folks on Earth.
Western Eurasian is everywhere from Northern African to Southern Asian to Central Asian to Western Asian to Middle Asian to European to Middle Eastern.
Greeks gave Eastern Orthodoxy to Slavic folksThe Slavs became the guardians of the Eastern Orthodox faith.
True Russian Power that American lack is Faith.
True Russian power that American lack
The meaning of Russia is that
through the Russian people will be realized the last thought of God,
the thought of the End of the World …
Death is the way to immortality.
Love will begin when the world ends.
We must long for it, like true Christians …
We are uprooting the accursed Tree of Knowledge.
With it will perish the Universe - Алекса́ндр Ге́льевич Ду́гин
- If there is a Time Machine, Alpha Greco Greek Elders should convert both Russians and Turks because it is an alpha move.
- Russians are White Turks while Turks are Colored Turks.
Based on genetic admixture breakdown, majority human population are mixed between 6 main basal races. Each color show how much genetic components shared between different ethnicity around the world.
The Britons inhabit desolate swampy plains, and possess neither walls, cities, nor tilled fields. They do not touch the fish which are found in immense and inexhaustible quantities, and instead live on flocks, wild game, and fruit. In the forest they subsist upon bark and roots. They dwell in tents, naked and unshod, possess their women communally and raise their children in common. Their form of rule is mostly democratic, and given that they are fond of plundering, they consequently choose the boldest men as rulers. And strangest of all; they are able to endure hunger, cold, or any kind of hardship by plunging into the swamps, where they exist for many days with only their heads above water - Cassius Dio, 209 A.D