Monday, October 30, 2023

Why do Indians simp for Israel so much ?

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#فلسطيني #فلسطينيات #فلسطينيه #فلسطين_لنا #فلسطين_قضيتي
#اليهودية #یهودی #یهودیان #عربی #فلسطینی

Why do Indians simp for Israel so much ?

Indians simping for Israel so much because Ancient Brahmin Sentimentality ?
- Unfortunately, average Israelis are not Hasidic Ashkenazim.
Brahmin sentimental ?

Religion is an open book, depending on the players,
some groups make the best out of belief,
the others make the worst out of faith.
- Give Catholicism to the Germans,
they make the Bavarian fairy world.
- Give Christianity to the Mexicans,
they create the Santa Muerte.

Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man - Thomas Paine

- Alpha Greek Elders gave the Eastern Orthodoxy to the Russians.
- The Slavic Russians make the Orthodox faith to be more Mythical and Magical.
- The common thing is shared among the Mexicans and Russians ?
Both have plenty East Eurasian admixture but the Russians also have East Asian admixture.

Genetic admixture realism need to be study to understand how certain amount of admixture with different combination, results some kind of preferences in cultural choices & spiritual needs in average folks. How to improve both spiritual and life conditions for common people ?

Genesis 25:23 - There are two nations in your womb.
From birth they will be two rival peoples.
One of these peoples will be stronger than the other. 


Arab Geographer Istakhri (Koestler p.20) said:
“The Khazars do not resemble the Turks.
They are black-haired and of two kinds, one called the Kara [i.e. “Black”]
- Khazars who are swarthy verging on deep black as if they were a kind of Hindu,
and a white kind [Ak-Khazars], who are strikingly handsome”.

Another portion of the Khazars were the White Ugrians whom the Chinese described as tall, white-skinned, and green-eyed (McGovern p.472).

The White Ugrians had been in that part of Scythia once ascribed to the “Hugie” who were in effect the Franks who later settled in France.

Danish tradition reported of warfare between the Ancient Danes and the Agathyrsi-Khazars.
A Swedish scholar has claimed Khazar intermarriages with the Swedish aristocracy in Sweden.

Esau is the ruling class of many nations in the East. Jacob and Esau were twin brothers. They shared something between them despite the differences that Scripture emphasizes.
Esau was blessed that he should benefit from the riches of this earth and be a warrior nation.
Descendants of Edom include the historical founders of Russia, China, and Japan. Esau. Edomites Today by Yair Davidiy

A Polish legend says that the Khazars conquered Poland and were led by an “Abraham Pey”. Another legend says that Poland was once ruled by a Jewish king called Abraham Pierkovnik (Polak p.187).

The Persians considered the Khazars a Scythian people. Herodotus (4;2) said that the Agathyrsoi (Khazars) were brothers to the Royal Scythians and Gelones. The Royal Scythians (Scuthae Basiloi) gave their name to Scandinavia which was known as “Basilia” and “Scatanavia” (Pliny N.H. 37;11)

The Arabs linked the Khazars with Isaac; and on the whole identified them as "Jews". Their Russian neighbors also referred to the Khazars as "Jews" and their ruler as "King of the Jews".

European references to the Kingdom of the Khazars referred to them as Red (i.e. red-haired) Jews and identified them with the Lost Ten Tribes.

The Land of the Khazars relatively speaking was close to and connected by trade and culture to the former region of Babylonia which had remained a center of Jewish population ever since the time of Nebuchadnezzar.

Herod the Great

Babylonian Exile 

Herod the Great's descendants, Idumaeans and Nabataeans

Mongolic eyes looks subtle different, it is not very narrow like Ancient Northern Eurasian eye, but Mongolian eyes have the perfect curve like a Royal bridge connecting the Earthy realm to the Heavenly Kingdom based on the Mandate of Hashem.

To obtain the status of Holy Male, one must has very strict self discipline, strong self restraint and powerful self control to avoid the diversity of temptation and sinful related actions and harmful deeds.
- Maintaining the purest state of Tzadik Brahmin is lifetime challenge.

To obtain the status of Holy Male, one must has very strict self discipline,
strong self restraint and powerful self control
to avoid the diversity of temptation
and sinful related actions and harmful deeds.
- Maintaining the purest state of Tzadik Brahmin is lifetime challenge.

As Alfred Rosenberg said, there is a constant struggle
between the Nordic and the Mongolian soul in the Russian people,
the outcome of which is almost impossible to predict.
Their fatalism and resignation to a miserable life is part of the Asian soul

Matthew 15:24 - I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

May Jesus Christ's genes be on us and on our children.
Matthew 27:25 - His blood be on us and on our children.


Armenia Genesis 8:4
Bulgaria Romania Colossians 3:11
Croatia 2 Timothy 4:10
Cyprus Acts 15:39
Egypt Exodus: 4:19
Ethiopia 2 Chronicles 9:1
France 1 Maccabees 8:2
Greece Acts 20:2
India 1 Kings 10:22
Iran Persia Daniel 8:20
Iraq Jeremiah 25:11-12
Israel Yisrael Numbers 34:1-15
Italy Acts 18:2
Jordan Deuteronomy 23:3
Lebanon 2 Chronicles 2:8
Libya Matthew 27:32
North Macedonia Acts 16:9
Pakistan Esther 1:
Palestine Judges 16:21
Saudi Arabia Galatians 4:25
Sudan South Sudan Genesis 2:13
Spain Romans 15:24
Syria 2 Kings 5:1
Turkey Anatolia Acts 2:9 

I am with you always , even unto the end of the world - Matthew 28:20
You shall be unto me a Kingdom of Priests , and a Holy Race - Exodus 19:6
I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel - Matthew 15:24

Most populous male haplogroups globally:

1. O ( East Asian & Southeast Asian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese )

2. R1a R1b ( Western Eurasian & Southern Asian, Mexican, Indian
Hispanic Latino Latin American, Italian, Irish, Scottish, Portuguese
German, Russian, Spaniard, Armenian, Anglo Saxon, British, French )

4. E3 E1b1b E-M215 ( Northern African & Eastern African, Egyptian )

5. J ( Western Asian, Arab, Greek, Jew Hebrew Israeli, Dargin, Ingush )

O and R both descendants of a common ancestor K, Father of White and East Asian.

So a man living in Caspian-Aral region ~48,000 yrs ago
is the paternal ancestor to 50% of world's men which are East Asian and White.

I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky,
I will give all these lands to your descendants, and by your descendants
all the nations of the earth will bless themselves - Genesis 26:4 

Most populous male haplogroups globally:

1. O ( East Asian & Southeast Asian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese )

2. R1a R1b ( Western Eurasian & Southern Asian, Mexican, Indian
Hispanic Latino Latin American, Italian, Irish, Scottish, Portuguese
German, Russian, Spaniard, Armenian, Anglo Saxon, British, French )

4. E3 E1b1b E-M215 ( Northern African & Eastern African, Egyptian )

5. J ( Western Asian, Arab, Greek, Jew Hebrew Israeli, Dargin, Ingush )

O and R both descendants of a common ancestor K, Father of White and East Asian.

So a man living in Caspian-Aral region ~48,000 yrs ago
is the paternal ancestor to 50% of world's men - Genesis 26:4

I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky,
I will give all these lands to your descendants, and by your descendants
all the nations of the earth will bless themselves. 

Ashkenazim were Victims of Ancient Colonization from the Himyarites 

What is the true destiny of Alpha Males
since all Ancient Greatest Civilizations
built by Alpha Men were collapsed,
started by the Mythical Sumerians
to the Mysterious Egyptians,
from the Precious Persian Rose
to the Glorious Roman Laurel Wreath ?

Never colonized by Europe

Partial European control or influence

European sphere of influence

Although Europe represents only about 8 percent of the planet's landmass, from 1492 to 1914, Europeans conquered or colonized more than 80 percent of the entire world.
- In general, Dominant Western Eurasians are gifted conquerors in both military power, culture and religion.
- The founders of biggest religions and most popular faith and also universal belief are male men who belonged to Dominant West Eurasians including the prophet Mohammad and Abrahamic descendants. Christianity, Islam are two largest religions and the founders of Abraham faiths are also Dominant Western West Eurasians such as Arab, Mediterranean, Levant Levantines.
- Judging by genetic admixture pattern that can be observable in Global Admixture Analysis K6 which is a top secret leaked genetic data of genetic structure of humanity including the God Chosen People, current Sephardic Jews have the closest genetic structure of Ancient Northern African or and Antique Arab stocks because Sephardim are Nabataean descendants converted to Judaism during the age of Herod the Great.
- The Nabataean Arabs, one of the most gifted peoples of the ancient world, are today known only for their hauntingly beautiful rock-carved capital - Petra. - There are two main Jewish groups, one with similar genetic structure like Ancient Northern African Berber Amazigh and Antique Arab stock. The others have similar admixture like Caucasus, Armenian, Georgian.
- Ashkenazim is unique due to the most consistent East Asian admixture which matched with Ancient Egyptian record about the rarest phenotype of rarest chance of the physical appearance of the earliest original ancestors of Jewish Jew Hebrew Israelite Israeli with Ginger Beard, fair skin and Asiatic phenotype From Eden to exile by David Rohl.

- Ashkenazim have the most unique DNA structure while there is no other Jewish groups have.
- This fulfills the Biblical promise
Matthew 27:25 - May Jesus Christ's genes be on us and on our children.

Alpha Males are like the precious swords,
which Deeply Penetrate through the norms
and against all odds and traditional beliefs
to bring the new ages for humanity.
Nobody can resist the Allure of True Alpha Men
from Jesus Christ to Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun 

المكونات الشرق يوراسية مثل البابوان والشرق آسيوي
دخلت للمنطقة من خلال ايران النيوليثية و CHG
التي كافة نتائجها الذكورية تحت فروع السلالة F
ولا علاقة لها في الرق

المكون الشرق يوراسي موجود لكن نسبته قليلة
وانتشاره قديم

بما أن الشرق يوراسيين في ايران النيوليثية
مكونهم الشرق يوراسي خليط ما بين ( مكون شرق يوراسي مرتبط مع الاسترالو ميلانزيين ومكون شرق يوراسي مرتبط مع الشرق آسيويين )
محتمل ان ملامحهم قبل قدومهم لإيران
كانت نتاج اختلاط هذان المكونان

المكونات الشرق يوراسية مثل البابوان والشرق آسيوي
دخلت للمنطقة من خلال ايران النيوليثية و CHG
التي كافة نتائجها الذكورية تحت فروع السلالة F
ولا علاقة لها في الرق

المكون الشرق يوراسي موجود لكن نسبته قليلة
وانتشاره قديم

بما أن الشرق يوراسيين في ايران النيوليثية
مكونهم الشرق يوراسي خليط ما بين
( مكون شرق يوراسي مرتبط مع الاسترالو ميلانزيين ومكون شرق يوراسي مرتبط مع الشرق آسيويين )
محتمل ان ملامحهم قبل قدومهم لإيران
كانت نتاج اختلاط هذان المكونان

المكونات الشرق يوراسية مثل البابوان والشرق آسيوي
دخلت للمنطقة من خلال ايران النيوليثية و CHG
التي كافة نتائجها الذكورية تحت فروع السلالة F
ولا علاقة لها في الرق

المكون الشرق يوراسي موجود لكن نسبته قليلة
وانتشاره قديم

بما أن الشرق يوراسيين في ايران النيوليثية
مكونهم الشرق يوراسي خليط ما بين
( مكون شرق يوراسي مرتبط مع
الاسترالو ميلانزيين ومكون
شرق يوراسي مرتبط مع الشرق آسيويين )
محتمل ان ملامحهم قبل قدومهم لإيران
كانت نتاج اختلاط هذان المكونان

- Mexican Hispanic Latino Latin American cuisine :
Spaniard + Central and South Indigenous American

- The United States of American Cuisine :
Anglo Saxon Nordic Scandinavian Germanic + Northern Native American

97% of all generally agreed major historical accomplishments
in the arts and sciences are since the 14th century
made by males born in a small area of Northern Europe
(Murray, 2003). complishment The European Core

Alpha Males have strong obsession in Art and Science.
- Science and Art are vital part of life beside Religion.
- Alpha Men know how to balance the trinity of Science, Art, Religion
and between the Secular matters and Spirituality. Murray, 2003 The European Core 

Iron Age Distance 3.082 moderate 

Bronze Age Distance 3.707 moderate 

Migration period, distance 2.734 good

The Mandate of Heaven approach :
There are many folks who claim as Chosenites
from European to African .
- Who are the true Chosen people ? Let God decide .
- The belief of glorious ancient noble ancestors as motivation
to build high tier civilization and safe neighborhoods is good for humanity .
- The world will become a better place when the virtue competition
is considered the most worthy kind of tournament .
- Therefore, the best approach of resolving the ancestral origin claims
between different party units is the Mandate of Heaven .

- Mandate of Hashem is the belief that the Hebrew Chosenite Jewish emperor had a divine right to rule given him by the Hashem.
- Jewish Chosen emperor had limited power restricted by Torah and Sanhedrin but also a responsibility to rule to be the Light unto the Goyim.

People want to live next door to God Chosen People.
Holy Aura attracts Goyim to live close to Hashem Chosen People.
Prosperous nations are magnets attracting Gentiles to move to the countries which have God Chosenites as the majority based Mandate of Hashem.

Modern Uralic folks, such as the Udmurts and Saami,
have the most similar genetic makeup
to the Ancient North Eurasians, with around
80% European and 20% East Asian admixture. 

Tajik admixture is highly from Ancient Scythian
with the introduction of R1b-M269 haplogroup
into Levant Levantine of Bronze Age .
It seems more likely the Hyksos Elite
would have carried R1a-Z93 .
ROBERT SEPEHR has a video talking about
Scythian and the Lost Tribes of Israel .

In Rabbinic literature, the Kingdom of Ashkenaz
was first associated with the Scythian region, then later with the Slavic territories,
and, from the 11th century onwards, with northern Europe and Germany.

Yiddish Civilisation: the Rise and Fall of a Forgotten Nation by Paul Kriwaczek 

Abraham was Patriarch and his seed produced Patriarchs
who themselves became Fathers of Nations ... ( Politicians, Religious Leaders )
Problem is patriarchs are Alphas ... and no two alphas can share the same space
( Lot & Abraham separating ) this is why his descendants fight ...
Middle Eastern men can become angry in a few seconds

- Abrahamic sons love to be politicians and hold many important position
in economy, religion, politic in non-Abrahamic nations from Europe to America.

Abraham was Patriarch and his seed produced Patriarchs
Alpha Men who themselves became Fathers of Nations ...
( Politicians, Religious Leaders )
Problem is patriarchs are Alpha Males ...
and no two alphas can share the same space
( Lot & Abraham separating ) this is why his descendants fight ...
Middle Eastern men can become angry in a few seconds

- Abrahamic sons love to be politicians
and hold many important position
in economy, religion, politic and government in non-Abrahamic nations
from Europe to Northern America and Latin America.
Many Billionaires among Hispanic Latino Latin Americans
are part Levant Levantine Western Asian Middle East and Arab.

- Abraham was Patriarch and his seed produced Patriarchs
Alpha Men who themselves became Fathers of Nations ...
( Politician, Religious Leader )

- Problem is patriarchs are Alpha Males ...
and no two alphas can share the same space
( Lot & Abraham separating ) this is why his descendants fight ...
Middle Eastern men can become angry in a few seconds.

- Abrahamic sons love to be politician, religious leader, lawyer
business owner and hold many important position
in economy, religion, politic and government in non-Abrahamic nations
from Europe to Northern America and Latin America.

- Many Billionaires among Hispanic Latino Latin Americans
are part Levant Levantine Western Asian Middle East and Arab.

Christianity is the most Philo Semitic faith and the most Naive Altruistic religion of the Meekest of the Meek.

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the foreigner as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34

True values of Christianity are
Loving your enemies
Turning the other cheek
Love the foreigner as yourself
Meek shall inherit the earth

Christianity is the most Philo Semitic faith and the most Naive Altruistic religion of the Meekest of the Meek.

It is through Christianity that
Judaism has really conquered the world.
Christianity is the masterpiece of Judaism.
Joseph Ernest Renan

Americans Don't Want to Fight For Their Country Anymore
A majority of American adults would not be willing to serve in the military were the U.S. to enter into a major war, recent polling has found, while public confidence in the armed forces appears to be waning.
We have strike groups, aircraft carriers with a Marine Expeditionary Unit outside Israel now," Justin Henderson, a former transport operator for the U.S. Marines turned military recruiter, told Newsweek. "We're funding two wars, but we're actually boots on the ground, drones above Gaza. So we're already involved in there and we're not sure what's happening in Taiwan. So this is a very tumultuous time for us, because we don't know what's going to happen."
A poll by the research institute Echelon Insights of 1,029 likely voters, conducted between October 23-26, found that 72 percent of those asked would not be willing to volunteer to serve in the armed forces were America to enter a major conflict, compared with 21 percent who would. The remainder were unsure. The poll was conducted after Hamas led an unprecedented militant attack on Israel on October 7.

Persian looks innocent, angelic, pure soul, nothing to hide
while Hebrew looks like a warlord under the meek scholar mask,

" The Lord is a man of war — the Lord is his name " Exodus 15:3

perhaps Hebraic fierce green eyes with sharp eye shape
create a mixed feeling for sensitive viewers.

Beautiful thick pinky lip surrounded by a curly forest of beard.
Thin eyebrows of two gentle brush strokes.
Generous ears did heard many deep secrets.
Connoisseur's nose of good wine and fine perfume.
Mythical eyes did read the Talmudic wisdom.

Small eye shapes and thin lip create the minimalist aesthetic on facial owner.
Tiny eye shapes barely create any impression to viewers but the charismatic aura, sophisticated manner, high self restraint make those features attractive due to evolution history from cold environment.

Many Ancient Hebrew Jewish artifacts found in Japan Nippon and China. Chinese Japanese Nipponese governments hold documents of Pre Abraham history. However, both Chinese and Nipponese Japanese hide true history because trading with Jews are very profitable.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Taliban fighters are mainly Pathans, minority Tajiks and Uzbeks

Palestinians are genetically very close to Jews & other Middle Easterners,
Turks (Anatolians), Lebanese, Egyptians, Armenians and Persians.

Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians
came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians,
Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times.

Source: The origin of Palestinians and their genetic relatedness
with other Mediterranean populations

Taliban fighters are mainly Pathans, minority Tajiks and Uzbeks.

Talibans are descendants of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Scythian.

Taliban warriors have diverse admixture including East Asian gene,
Indigenous Native American admixture,
Southern Eurasian dna and Dominant Western Eurasian adn.

Global Admixture Analysis K6 - Each color shows how much genetic
components are shared among different ethnic groups around the world.

Talibans proved Diversity is Strength

Blue = Western Eurasian DNA     ===     Orange and Red = African gene

Green and Yellow = Eastern Eurasian ( Native American and East Asian )

Purple = Southern Eurasian ADN Aboriginal admixture

DNA of Ancient Israelites have mitochondrial of T1a and H87

- T1a found in Southeast Europe, Baltic and Ural Mountains
Jordan, Iran, Ancient Canaanites - Dr. Arie Shaus, Finkelstein

- H87 found in Basque, Tunisian Arab and Iraqi

The Daddy lineage of Ancient Hebrew is J2 haplogroup

- J2 found in Southern Russia, Azerbaijan, Eastern Turkey
Northwest Iran, Armenia, Georgia, East Anatolia, Caucasus 

Lamentations 4:7 Complete Jewish Bible
Her princes were purer than snow ; they were whiter than milk ,
their bodies more ruddy than pink pearls , as beautiful as sapphires .

Lenin's Mother is half Kalmyk half Russian.

King Arius of Sparta to Onias the High Priest , greetings .
We have found a document about the Spartans and the Jews
indicating that we are related and that both of our nations
are descended from Abraham - 1 Maccabees 12:20-21

Matthew 10:34 Complete Jewish Bible

Don’t suppose that I have come to bring peace to the Land .
It is not peace I have come to bring , but a sword !

Genghis Khan : I am the punishment of God . . .
If you had not committed great sins ,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you . 

Why Middle East is always at war ?
The Holy Land is the Bloody Land,
the Birthplace of Abrahamic faiths,
the bridge between Europe, Asia and Africa;
and Islam, Christianity, Judaism are the Three Kingdoms
Why Western Asia is always at war ?

Peace is never an option in Middle East
because Ashkenazi Asiatic White Jesus Christ said so
The Three Kingdoms Cycle is eternally in Middle Eastern realm
after Jesus Christ was born and he nailed his mythical promise forever !

Genghis Khan :
I am the punishment of Hashem . . .
If you had not committed great sins ,
Hashem would not have sent a punishment
like me upon you .

Any reasonable males who understand genetic admixture realism and politic will understand that Middle East was and always the biological testing ground to know which admixture combination type with specific amount yield best political player and ruling class.

The blessing of Arab :

Genesis 16:12 He will be a wild donkey of a man, with his hand against everyone
and everyone’s hand against him, living his life at odds with all his kinsmen.

The blessing of Hebrew :

Genesis 32:28 Hebrew is who wrestled with God and humanity.
Isaiah 60:16 Thou shall guzzle the milk of the Goyim,
Suckle at the breast of Kings. ( Simp for me ! Simp for Chosenites ! )

The blessing of the descendants of Ancient Northern Eurasian
including European, Indigenous Native American and East Asian :

Genesis 27:40 You will live by your sword, and you will serve your brother.
But when you break loose, you will shake his yoke off your neck.

Warrior races : Turk, Mongol, Aztec 
and current strongest military superpowers are Russia and China.

Genesis 26:4 and by your descendants all the nations of the earth will bless themselves.

Kawaii races : East Asian Japanese Chinese Korean Sinotic,
Final Fantasy races : Nordic Scandinavian Germanic Anglo Saxon Baltic Finnic Uralic Slavic and Alpha Greek Elders !


- The blessing of Arab :
Genesis 16:12 his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him,
living his life at odds with all his kinsmen.

- The blessing of Hebrew :
Genesis 32:28 Hebrew is who wrestled with God and humanity.
Isaiah 60:16 Thou shall guzzle the milk of the Goyim,
Suckle at the breast of Kings. ( Simp for me ! Simp for Chosenites ! )

- The blessing of the descendants of Ancient Northern Eurasian
including European, Indigenous Native American and East Asian :

Genesis 27:40 You will live by your sword, and you will serve your brother.
But when you break loose, you will shake his yoke off your neck.
Warrior races : Turk, Mongol, Aztec
and the current strongest military superpowers are Russia and China.

Genesis 26:4 and by your descendants
all the nations of the earth will bless themselves.
Kawaii races : East Asian Japanese Chinese Korean Sinotic,
Final Fantasy races : Nordic Scandinavian Germanic Anglo Saxon
Baltic Finnic Uralic Slavic Celtic and Alpha Greek Elders ! 


The Greatest Love is the Harshest Punishment from the Heavenly Father.

A nation with too many poets, sophisticated thinkers, artists and priests, will not be able to defend itself.
A country with too many warriors, will not be able to maintain its civilization.
A civilization with too many leaders, will not be able to live in harmony.

A nation with too many poets, sophisticated thinkers, artists and priests,
will not be able to defend itself.
A country with too many warriors, will not be able to maintain its civilization.
A civilization with too many leaders, will not be able to live in harmony.

Unlike the majority of Mizrahim and Sephardim ,
the Hasidic Ashkenazi Jews of Royal stock tend to have
some individual with unique appearance and mythical vibe :
- He probably has spiritual power
and may aids you after he passed away .


The American continent is the ancestral homeland of the Jungle Turks.
The Arab world is next door to the Turkish Turks.
The Russian land is close to the Steppe Turks.
The Caucasus is surrounded by the Mountain Turks.

- Turks make America and Russia great and glorious.
American continent is the ancestral homeland of Jungle Turk.
Arab world is next door to Turkish Turk.
Russian land is close to Steppe Turk.
Caucasus is surrounded by Mountain Turk.

Hispanic Latino Latin Americans are Jungle Turks. 

The Ultimate Final Outcome of Middle Eastern Western Asian Politics 

23 In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria.
The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria.
The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together.
24 In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria,
a blessing on the earth.

The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying,
“Blessed be Egypt my people,
Assyria my handiwork,
and Israel my inheritance.”
- Isaiah 19:25

イザヤ書 19:25 主は彼らに言います。

The Lord of Heavenly Armies hath blessed him, saying,
“Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork,
and Israel mine inheritance.” - Isaiah 19:25

Caring about Western Asian Middle Eastern politics is kinda pointless because there are many geniuses who will make the final outcome become exactly what the Bible predicts.

The ultimate final outcome of middle eastern western asian politics be like meme 

Nations that are the Loudest
and Quietest in Europe

Purest Aboriginal White - Armenian, Georgian
Whitest Afro White - Canary Islanders      ~~~    Purest Afro White - Tunisian

Purest Afro Aboriginal White - Cypriot
Whitest Afro Aboriginal White - Druze

Native White - Nordic Scandinavian Anglo Saxon Germanic
Native Asiatic White - Estonian Finnish Russian Hungarian Magyar

The goal of Abrahamic religions is not complicated but rather simple, to establish the new world order under the morality system of Dominant Western Eurasian ruling class of Abraham descendants from Arab to Hebrew, from Afro White to Aboriginal White, powerful ambitious men. 

West Eurasians have highest ratio of Alpha Males.
Nothing new under the Sun.
We all know that Alpha Men have strong urge of Domination.
Many such cases in politic, economy and religion.
That is why God choose Alpha Male Men to spread Abrahamic faiths
Unavoidable !

The Real Lost Tribes of Israel Hebrew will pop up during the high peak of conflicts and the Biblical plot twists will be revealed slowly

Pre Abraham history is hidden by both Japanese and Chinese governments, both East Asians and Jews have underground table deals. They don't want to be lost advantages competing with European and Arab powers so Pre Abrahamic history is wisely not to be revealed. 

- Mark Twain be like :
The Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian rose,
filled the planet with sound and splendor,
then faded to dream-stuff and passed away;
the Greek and the Roman followed,
and made a vast noise, and they are gone;

All things are mortal but the Jew;
all other forces pass, but he remains.
What is the secret of his immortality?
Concerning the Jews - Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Lemme check the Chosen people genetic build on Global Admixture Analysis K6

- Mark Twain be like :
The Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor,
then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed,
and made a vast noise, and they are gone;

All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains.
What is the secret of his immortality?
Concerning the Jews - Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Ashkenazim have very rare genetic structure,
rather very unnatural
and that can be only achieve by genetic modification
since majority population have admixture shifting to more specific one admixture than other.
- The red part is the most exceptional rarest DNA structure ever.

- Babylonian captivity changed Jewish DNA:
Georgian Jew, Iranian Jew, Iraqi Jew.

- Egyptian mixed multitude Exodus 12:38 changed whole Jewish genome structure:
Libyan Jew, Tunisian Jew, Moroccan Jew, Turkish Jew.

- The future of next Jewish generations:
More Green more Nordic ?

Genetic Modification Blessing Matthew 27:25 

Most Jewish groups have similar
genetic structure like Berber,
Arab, Armenian, Georgian,
Northern African, Levantine,
except Ashkenazim with most
consistent East Asian admixture.

Most Jewish groups have similar
genetic structure like Levantine,
Amazigh, Armenian, Georgian,
Caucasus, Arab, Northern African,
except Ashkenazim with most
consistent East Asian admixture.

Ashkenazi Jews have
the most unique DNA structure
and no other Jewish groups have,
which fulfilled Matthew 27:25
- His blood be on us
and on our children.

Ashkenazim have the most unique
DNA structure while there is no other
Jewish groups have.
- This fulfills the Biblical promise
Matthew 27:25 - His blood be on us
and on our children.

May Jesus Christ's genes be on us and on our children - Matthew 27:25.
- Modern Genetic technology proved that
the Bible goes ahead of our time
and God works in mysterious ways.
- Genesis 26:4 by your descendants all the nations of the earth will bless themselves.