Senpai Jesus Christ said,
All power in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me.
You, then, are to go and make disciples
of all the nations and baptize them
in the name of Daddy, Son and Holy Spirit.
Daddy with you always, even to the end of the world אמן
African admixture in the Middle East occurred within the last 2000 years,
with most Middle Easterner showing signals of admixture around 500-1000 years ago.
The closest source of African ancestry for most Middle Eastern
is Bantu from Kenya and Nilo-Saharan from Ethiopia #PMID: 34352227
Jews got Sub Saharan African admixture date of about
72 generations ago with 3-5% African genes #PMID: 21533020
Sub Saharan African ancestry is ∼25% in Yemen, 4-8% in all Arabian and Near Easterner
except in Samaritan and Druze with 0-2% #PMID: 25738654
The genomic history of the Middle East - Saeed Al Turki, Mohamed Almarri, Reem Lootah #PMID: 34352227
The history of African gene flow into Southern Europeans, Levantines, and Jews - Priya Moorjani #PMID: 21533020
Genetic Stratigraphy of Key Demographic Events in Arabia - Farida Alshamali #PMID: 25738654
African admixture in the Middle East occurred within the last 2000 years,
with most Middle Easterner showing signals of admixture around
500-1000 years ago. The closest source of African ancestry for most
Middle Eastern is Bantu from Kenya and Nilo-Saharan from Ethiopia.
Jews got Sub Saharan African admixture date of about
72 generations ago with 3-5% African genes.
Sub Saharan African ancestry is ∼25% in Yemen,
4-8% in all Arabian and Near Easterner
except in Samaritan and Druze with 0-2% African DNA.
The genomic history of the Middle East - Saeed Al Turki,
Mohamed Almarri, Reem Lootah #PMID: 34352227
The history of African gene flow into Southern Europeans, Levantines,
and Jews - Priya Moorjani #PMID: 21533020
Genetic Stratigraphy of Key Demographic Events in Arabia
- Farida Alshamali #PMID: 25738654
#blackjesus #jesusisblack #blackjesuschrist #blackjesusmatters #blackchrist #blackchristian #blackchristians #Blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory365 #blackhistoryeveryday #blackhistoryyear #blackhistorybootcamp #blackhistoryyear365 #blackhistoryyoudidntlearninschool #blackhistoryinthemaking #blackhistoryisworldhistory #blackhistorydaily #blackhistoryeverymonth #blackhistorynow #blackhistorymemes #blackhistoryuntold #blackhistorychallenge #blackhistorygallery #blackexcellence #blackpower #blackpowermovement #blackpowermatters #blackpride
30 tags
is the cause of Eternal Suffering
Embrace your suffering
and Let it reveal to you the way to peace
Siddhartha Gautama
Oh Holy Aboriginal Father,
why did you have so many children
and let's us live in the eternal suffering in this Earth ?
The small eyed races humiliate us
The tiny eyed races make fun of us
while our Aborigine men work hard to please their women ?
It is not the length of the legs that influences the world but the quality of the brain that rules the universe.
The Dinka tribe of South Sudan is known to have some of the Tallest people in the world and African but the influence of Dinka civilization is unknown
Kings shall be your Foster Daddies
Their Queens thy nursing Mothers
Goys shall bow down to you, face to the ground
Goyim lick up the dust of your feet
and you shalt know that I am God
Those who trust in Me shall not be shamed
Defining Haplogroup and Subclade for Thirteen Rabbinical Lineages
Rabbinical Lineage Haplogroup Subclade Number of Descendants
Baal Shem Tov J-M172 J-Z6048 4
Cohen Rabbinical Lineage J-M267 J-Z18271 8
Katzenellenbogen Rabbinical Lineage J-M267 J-L823 5
Lurie Rabbinical Lineage E-M35 2
Polonsky Rabbinical Lineage R-M124 R-BY14642 6
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev G-M201 G-M377 4
Rabbi Raphael of Bershad J-M267 J-YP2274 6
Rabbi Yechiel Michel of Zlatchov E-M35 7
Rappaport-Cohen Rabbinical Lineage J-M267 J-Y113483 6
Shapiro Rabbinical Lineage G-M201 G-FCG1107 3
Shpoler Zeida R-M173 R-Y2632 3
Twersky Chassidic Dynasty R-M173 R-BY14097 9
Wertheim-Giterman Chassidic Dynasty E-L117 E-BY36959 4
#dragonspirit #dragonstrong #dragonsracetotheedge #dragonsback #dragonshiryu #dragonshifter #dragonsquat #dragonsquad #dragonshifters #dragonsden #dragonblood #dragonsblood #dragonbloodline #dragonicblood #dragonicbloodine #shapeshifter #shapeshift #shapeshifters #shapeshifting
Baal Shem Tov J-M172 J-Z6048 4Cohen Rabbinical Lineage J-M267 J-Z18271 8
Katzenellenbogen Rabbinical Lineage J-M267 J-L823 5
Lurie Rabbinical Lineage E-M35 2
Polonsky Rabbinical Lineage R-M124 R-BY14642 6
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev G-M201 G-M377 4
Rebbe Raphael of Bershad J-M267 J-YP2274 6
Rabbi Yechiel Michel of Zlatchov E-M35 7
Rappaport-Cohen Rabbinical Lineage J-M267 J-Y113483 6
Shapiro Rabbinical Lineage G-M201 G-FCG1107 3
Shpoler Zeida R-M173 R-Y2632 3
Twersky Chassidic Dynasty R-M173 R-BY14097 9
Wertheim-Giterman Hasidic Dynasty E-L117 E-BY36959 4
Genetic History of Latin America: Fine scale population structure, sub continental ancestry and phenotypic diversity - Juan Camilo Chacón Duque
Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth
I did not come to bring peace, but a Katana.
Genomic History of the Bronze Age Southern Levant
Blue = West Eurasian ~~~ Orange y Red = Sub Saharan African Black gene
Green y Yellow = East Eurasian ( Native American y East Asian )
Purple = South Eurasian Aboriginal Oceanian Papuan related admixture
Ashkenazi Jews have similar amount Megiddo Middle Late Bronze Age admixture with Druze.
Both Druze and Ashkenazim have least amount of Sub Saharan African Bantu related admixture ( Somali Left Chart - Orange pattern Right chart ) compare to other Semitic Semites
Aboriginal Southern Eurasian Papuan related admixture shows as Purple color which is came from Iranian Chalcolithic admixture
Druze have more Iran_CHL admixture than Ashkenazi Jews and that is why the Purple admixture pattern of Druze is more consistent than Ashkenazim
Side by side views between two modes
- Left is seeing all genetic material in purest DNA components of main basal races
- Right is observing the genetic ingredients from historical ADN samples
Arabs have more African DNA than Jews
Persians have more Aboriginal ADN than Hebrews
- Left is Average Israeli Israelite Jewish DNA component.
- Right shows the Genetic builds of Three Main Jewish groups Sephardim Mizrahim Ashkenazim and average Genetic structure of Palestinian and Iranic Iranian Persian.
Solomon, also called Jedediah, whose mother was Bathsheba,
the Ancestor of Senpai Jesus Christ
according to the Genealogy of Senpai Jesus Christ
in Matthew, often considered to be Daddy Joseph's line.
A charming son is José,
A fruitful vine by a fountain;
Its branches run over the wall.
The blessings of your Daddy
Surpass the blessings of my Ancestors,
To the utmost bounds of the Eternal Hills.
May they rest on the Head of Giuseppe,
On the brow of the elect of his brothers.
Left is what you wish for Senpai Brown Jesus Christ.
Right is what you got for the God Chosen Jesus Senpai aka "White" Jesus Christ Senpai.
A huge difference in biological genetic quality, spirituality and aesthetic.
Would you prefer Senpai Brown Jesus or White Jesus Senpai ?
Matthew 10:34 Matthew 27:25
Exodus 19:6 Lamentations 4:7
1 Samuel 16:12 John 4:22
Genesis 35:11 Isaiah 60:16
Amos 3:2 Genesis 32:28
The DNA result from Turin Shroud proven that Senpai Jesus Christ is Druze
while in the Biblical Scripture of John 8:48 - 49 said that Senpai Jesus is part Samaritan.
Samaritan VS Druze
Druze looks more Caucasian while Samaritan looks subtle Asiatic.
A 2004 Y-Chromosome study concluded that
the lay Samaritans belong to haplogroups J1 and J2,
while the High Priest Samaritan Kohanim
belong to haplogroup E-M35 - PMID 15300852
Reconstruction of patrilineages and matrilineages of
Samaritans and other Israeli populations from Y-chromosome
and mitochondrial DNA sequence variation - PMID 15300852
- The sons of the J1 dynasty establish a huge kingdom
in the heart of Europe.
- The Avars had a kingdom in Central Asia called the Rouran Kingdom,
which was destroyed by the Turks. This forced the Avars to move west,
& in the year 567 AD they settled in the Hungarian region & established
a huge kingdom for themselves that lasted for three centuries.
- Genetically, their remains emerged into several lineages,
the largest of which is J2: 72 remains, most of them from J2b2.
J1: 52 remains, most of them on recent branches of J-P58,
specifically branch BY78446.
- Most Avars are descended from East Asia,
where East Asian ancestry ranged between 32%-100%.
It became clear that the first generations of the Avars did not differ
from their ancestors in their original regions of Central Asia. Later,
local European mixtures came to them at a rate equivalent to 20%.
Most of the samples can be reconstructed
from an East Asian source + a North Caucasian component.
The remains of Hungary 🇭🇺 ... The sons of the J1 dynasty establish a huge kingdom in the heart of Europe.
Last week, a study was published that examined a huge number of remains in the state of Hungary during the period of the rule of the Avars.
-Historical background: The Avars had a kingdom in Central Asia called the Rouran Kingdom, which was destroyed by the Turks. This forced the Avars to move west, and in the year 567 AD they settled in the Hungarian region and established a huge kingdom for themselves that lasted for three centuries.
It is necessary to emphasize that this kingdom was established before the emergence of Islam, that is, they are not Muslims. Their relationship with the contemporary Muslim Caucasian Avars is ambiguous (they are often two different peoples).
The most prominent military successes of the Avars were against the Byzantine Empire, where in 626 AD they succeeded in reaching Constantinople and besieging it. They also forced the Byzantines to pay tribute repeatedly.
Their kingdom ended in the year 796 AD after their defeat at the hands of the King of the Franks, Charlemagne.
Genetically, their remains emerged into several lineages, the largest of which is
J2: 72 remains, most of them from J2b2.
J1: 52 remains, most of them on recent branches of J-P58, specifically branch BY78446.
A smaller number is distributed among the strains N, Q, R, I, E, and G.
The interesting thing is that the sons of the J1 dynasty were the founding fathers of the Kingdom of the Avars, as the J1 dynasty prevailed over the first ruling class, and continued to rule for more than a century before the reins of the throne were handed over peacefully to the sons of the J2b dynasty, often through marriage. It turned out that the one who took power from J1 was his half-brother from the same mother and he was in the lineage J2b.
This archaeological genetic study is considered the first of its kind that used a pedigree tree to link all the remains to each other over a period that spanned 9 generations. The tree confirmed that the Avars were a traditional patriarchal society par excellence, preserving family ties wrapped around the father, while the wives came from places... Neighboring tribes.
- Regarding the ethnic origins of the Avars, most of them are descended from East Asia, where East Asian ancestry ranged between 32%-100%. It became clear that the first generations of the Avars did not differ from their ancestors in their original regions of Central Asia. Later, local European mixtures came to them at a rate equivalent to 20%. Of course, individual samples have different origins and most of them were reconstructed within the study, but most of the samples can be reconstructed from an East Asian source + a North Caucasian component, especially samples from the early period.
-The study did not address the source of the huge presence of the J1 strain in them, especially since it is on branches that have long been classified as Arab and Semitic. I will publish my own perception of the presence of J1 with such density there in a later post.
رفات هنغاريا 🇭🇺 … أبناء السلالة J1 يؤسسون مملكة ضخمة في قلب أوروبا.
-خرجت الأسبوع الفائت دراسة إفتحصت عددا ضخما من الرفات في دولة هنغاريا بفترة حكم شعب الآفار Avar.
-خلفية تاريخية: كانت لدى شعب الآفار مملكة في وسط آسيا تدعى مملكة الروران و قد تم تدميرها على يد الترك. مما اضطر الآفار الى النزوح غربا و في عام ٥٦٧ ميلادي استقروا في منطقة هنغاريا و أسسوا لهم مملكة ضخمة استمرت لثلاثة قرون.
من الضروري التأكيد ان هذه المملكة تأسست قبل ظهور الإسلام، أي أنهم ليسوا مسلمين. و علاقتهم بشعب الأفار القوقازي المسلم المعاصر مبهمة ( هم غالبا شعبين مختلفين).
أبرز النجاحات العسكرية للأفار كانت ضد الإمبراطورية البيزنطية حيث نجحوا في عام ٦٢٦ ميلادي بالوصول للقسطنطينية و حصارها، كما أجبروا البيزنطيين على دفع الجزية مرارا.
إنتهت مملكتهم في العام ٧٩٦ ميلادي إثر هزيمتهم على يد ملك الفرانكس شارلمان.
-جينيا، خرجت رفاتهم على عدة سلالات اكبرها
J2: ٧٢ رفات اغلبها من J2b2.
J1 : ٥٢ رفات جلها على افرع حديثة من J-P58 ، تحديدا الفرع BY78446.
و عدد أقل توزع على السلالات N, Q, R, I, E, G.
-المثير أن أبناء السلالة J1 كانوا الأباء المؤسسين لمملكة الأفار، حيث غلبت السلالة J1 على الطبقة الحاكمة الأولى، و استمرت بالحكم لمدة أكثر من قرن قبل تسليم مقاليد العرش بشكل سلمي لابناء السلالة J2b، غالبا عن الطريق المصاهرة. حيث اتضح ان الذي استلم الحكم من J1 كان اخاه الغير شقيق من نفس الام و كان على السلالة J2b.
-تعتبر هذه الدراسة الجينية الأثرية الأولى من نوعها التي استخدمت مشجرة pedigree لربط جميع الرفات ببعضها البعض عبر فترة امتدت ٩ أجيال، حيث أكدت المشجرة على كون شعب الأفار مجتمع أبوي تقليدي بامتياز، حافظ على اواصر العائلة الملتفة حول الأب، بينما اتت الزوجات من أمكنة و قبائل مجاورة.
-بخصوص أصول الأفار العرقية، فإن اغلبها منحدر من شرق آسيا، حيث تراوحت الاصول الشرق آسيوية بين ٣٢٪-١٠٠٪. و اتضح ان الاجيال الاولى للآفار لا تختلف عن اجدادهم بمناطقهم الاصلية بوسط آسيا. فيما حل لاحقا عليهم خلائط أوروبية محلية بنسبة توازي ال ٢٠٪. طبعا العينات الفردية تختلف اصولها و اغلبه تمت هيكلته داخل الدراسة، لكن اغلب العينات بالامكان هيكلتها من مصدر شرق آسيوي + مكون شمال القوقاز، خصوصا عينات الفترة المبكرة.
-لم تتطرق الدراسة لمصدر الوجود الضخم للسلالة J1 لديهم، خصوصا انها على افرع طالما صنفت على انها عربية و سامية. سأنشر تصوري الخاص عن وجود ال J1 بهذه الكثافة هناك في بوست لاحق.