Saint Paul says that he is of the tribe of Benjamin Hebrew Philippians 3:5
Paul was originally a Herodian. Saul Paul favored the theology of Pharisees y his family connections relate him to the inner circle of Herod Agrippa. Highly educated in Hebrew Scripture Tradition y Greek philosophy. He seems familiar, for example with Plato’s Timaeus. He is Hebrew, but also dabbles in Gentile learning y culture. This is the Herodian style: Jewish identity, loyalty to Jerusalem, familiar with priests, but appreciative of Gentile power y learning.
Jews were not typically citizens in Roman Empire. Saul gained his Roman citizenship by birth. His parents were Hebrews with Roman privilege y Jewish relative. In first century, Hebrews with Roman privilege were linked to Roman appointed rulers of Palestine the Herod’s.
High Priest y Jewish Sanhedrin in Jerusalem had no power in Damascus, Roman Province of Syria. Jerusalem is Roman Province of Judea. Saul gained an authority entrusted to him by a civil power connected to Temple. Saul needed religious authority Temple y he needed Roman authority in Damascus (King Aretus IV of Damascus).
Saulus Paulus was not merely a plebian Rabbi Hebrew Sifu Jewish Shifu political clout. When Saul/Paul is arrested, the commander assigns, get this, 470 men to guard Paul’s life!
Get ready a detachment of two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea at nine tonight. 24 Provide horses for Paul so that he may be taken safely to Governor Felix. Acts 23:23
200 soliders
70 horsemen
200 spearmen
Paul identifies his Herodian kinfolk. Josephus to tell us about a Saul was also kindred to Herod Agrippa. Romans 16:11 Paul writes: Greet Herodion, my kinsman.
Paul has connections in Rome, Herodion Roman Jewish rulers associated dynasty of Herod Great.
Matthew 27:25 is Genetic Modification Blessing.
Amos 3:2 is not a pleasant Eugenic events warning.
1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7 are Eugenic Cultural Practices.
Mystical issues become understandable with the Mandate of Heaven approach based on Isaiah 45:7
A mortal’s spirit is God’s candle
Revealing all their inward parts
Blue- Western Eurasian related ancestry
Red y Orange- Sub Saharan African admixtures
Green y Yellow- Eastern Eurasian
Purple- Aboriginal Aborigine Southern Eurasian
Green- Indigenous Native American
Yellow- East Asian related admixtures
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I would consider myself lucky, if I were a Jew, for I would then, after all, be a Blood Brother of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Virgin Mary - The Jesuit Order Founder, Ignatius von Loyola.
I would consider myself lucky,
if I were a Jew, for I would then, after all,
be a Blood Brother of Jesus Christ
and of the Holy Virgin Mary
Jesuit order founder, Ignazio Loiolakoa
The founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius von Loyola, expressed this Philo Semitic with these words: "I would consider myself lucky, if I were a Jew, for I would then, after all, be a blood brother of Jesus Christ and of the holy virgin Mary."
Philosemitic ideas have also been promoted by some American Evangelicals due to the influence of Dispensationalism. Mark Twain's essay Concerning the Jews has been described as philosemitism. The concept of philosemitism is not new, and it was arguably avowed by such thinkers as the 19th-century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who described himself as an anti anti Semite; in other words, a philosemite is a "Jew-lover" or "Jew-friend". Judeophilia is an expression of the larger phenomenon of allophilia, admiration for foreign cultures as embodied in the more widely known Anglophilia and Francophilia.
Jews have played an all important role in history - Никола́й Алекса́ндрович Бердя́ев
No ancient people have had a stranger history than the Jews - Terrot Reaveley Glover
Jews started it all and by "it" I mean so many of the things we care about - Thomas Quinn Cahill
@rabbiaba @rabbi_shmuel_raskin @rabbiwelton @rabbiglick @rabbidovberpinson @rabbiphil @therabbicooks @rabbi_yossi_orbamidbar_chabad @rabbiyaronreuven
Pro Israel Pro Zionist think that Jesus is Jew while Pro Palestine say Jesus is Palestinian. Why do the identity of Jesus Christ is Palestinian or Jesus Christ is Jew matter since immigrant migrant conqueror change the genetic landscape of indigenous native overtime ? #JesusRace
Evidence Of Human Neanderthal Hybrids Found In Israeli Cave. Long before Patriarchs y Matriarchs, Early men y women were living in Eretz Yisrael. Teeth found in Manot Cave in Western Galilee show features of both Homo sapiens and Neanderthal chompers, Haaretz reported, their age up to 38000 years old hint at how Stone Age’s most esteemed cave painters may have landed in Levant Levantine. Studied by a team of researchers from Israel Austria United States, point to a hybrid population, judging by the nature of tools found within cave resembling a European culture of craftsmanship it appears that these human Neanderthal mixes are descended from interbreeding that originally occurred in Europe.
Manot Cave, which was discovered in 2008 during construction work, is thought to have been a dwelling of Aurignacian culture, a group named for Aurignac cave in southwest France regarded as artistic innovators of pre wheel era for introducing symbolism to their eponymous cave Handprints on Cave Wall Herd of Cattle and Horses. These folks also fashioned tools out of antlers, which distinguish them from an endemic population, the Ahmarian, who used stone spears.
Since work began on Manot, the question as to how these cave Michelengelos arrived there has lingered. Huge debate how Aurignacian culture came to Levant, whether it spread by migration from European, Israel Hershkovitz, a physical anthropologist Tel Aviv University Haaretz.
The look of teeth points to a European fling, an earlier courtship in Levant circa 50000 to 60000 years ago, when Neanderthals were still available for fire watching y chill.
At Manot we see how humans passed through Levant Levantine to European Europe, and then came back here thousands of years later, Hershkowitz told Haaretz. It shows us that, when there are no borders, humans are always on the move.
While these Neander Sapiens appear to hail from Europe, the business of interbreeding may have started in what is now Israel.
Americans are good intention folks but not religious who values individual freedom y materialistic comfort. Majority Muricans do not create any pressure in religions except some minority rural folks. American Muricans enjoy diversity in food choice music faith
Genetic Evidence for the Expansion of Arabian Tribes
into the Southern Levant and North Africa PMID: 11992266
Genome-Wide Diversity in the Levant
Reveals Recent Structuring by Culture PMID: 23468648
Leftist Liberal Progressive High Educated Folks love to promote Diversity in White community, European nations, European country, White neighborhood and areas with majority White European population. Some Progressive Liberal Leftist enjoy promoting Diversity in many homogeneous countries such East Asian nation like Japanese Nipponese Japan Nippon by encouraging massive immigrant migrant from South Asian Southern Asian Sub Saharan African Northern African Middle Eastern flowing in to well establisted high trust society. Most Diversity mixed races are Indian Hindu Sikh and Hispanic Latino Latin American Latinx Murican Latinx American Latin Murican. Majority diverse mixed race population are Middle Easterner North African East Asian West African and Latino Hispanic Latinx and Southern Asian Hindu Sikh Indian and most Muslim Arab.
Diversity is our strength Diversity is our greatest strength Diversity is strength Diversity is our power Diversity our greatest power Diversity is beautiful.
Copy text from some Jewish organization promoting Diversity Racial Justice Racial Equity.
Jews for Racial & Economic Justice is the home for Jewish New Yorkers organizing with our neighbors and allies to transform New York from a playground for the wealthy few into a real democracy for all of us.
Fighting for racial justice is a top priority for Reconstructing Judaism and is a natural extension of our Jewish values. Torah’s very first and most central description of human beings is that we are all created b’tzelem Elohim - equally y uniquely in the image of God. This theology was radical in its time and remains radical today, despite the profound truth and simplicity of this claim. Black Lives Matter. The lives of our Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) neighbors and fellow Jews of Color matter. It is our obligation to do the holy work of racial justice so that the full humanity of all people may flourish and be fully honored. Systemic racism degrades practically all aspects of our society, including education, access to jobs and health care, housing, voting and economic advancement y Jewish communities are not exempt from having benefited from systemic racism.
Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA is highly distinctive, with four major and numerous minor founders. However, due to their rarity in the general population, these founders have been difficult to trace to a source. Here we show that all four major founders, -40% of Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the remaining minor founders share a similar deep European ancestry. Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.
4 women 4 houses designations ?
Four things God repented that he had made; man's evil passions, the Ishmaelites, the Chaldeans and the Captivity.
God has made only 4 women perfect in beauty; Sarah, Abigail, Rahab and Esther; Eve is not included because she was not born of woman. Esther is said to have had golden coloured hair.
Of the 4 Cardinal points, God left the North Pole unfinished, saying, "if there be any my equal let him finish it like the others." This corner is the home of demons, ghosts, devils and storms. Pirke of Rabbi Eleazar, сар. 3.
Each is associated with a deity in some traditions. The Mediterranean Italian origin of the maternal lineage is even more significant if the paternal lineage is not remotely traceable to any Chosen™ tribe.
Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan
According to the From Eden to Exile by David Rohl,
Joseph, grandson of Abraham, original ancestor of Hebrew, has ginger beard red hair, pale skin and was called Asiatic by Indigenous Native Egyptians which is resemble Ancient Northern Eurasians who are also related to Tarim Basin.
From Eden to exile by David Rohl
Chapter Eight
famous coat-of-many-colours. This was no ordinary statue. It was nearly three metres high. It depicted Joseph in his prime, with flame-red hair, a pale yellow skin tone (to indicate his northern origins), and a throw-stick held across the right shoulder as his symbol of high office … but also clearly marking him out as an Asiatic (and not Egyptian) servant of Pharaoh. The body of the statue was painted as if wrapped in the full-length robe of the vizier. But it was a vizier's cloak of a very different kind - decorated in an elaborate pattern of reds, blues, blacks and whites to represent the woven coat-of-many-colours' of a Middle Bronze Age Asiatic chieftain.
the Levant had more genetic affinity to Europe
2000 years ago than at present PMID:23468648
- Armenians have close genetic affinity to Jew
Druze Lebanese Levantine Christian PMID:26486470
Peak Torah Biblical Patriarch phenotype be like, so Fierce and Holy
As the old saying goes, Armenians are just Jews who followed a rolling coin into a church