Saturday, February 3, 2024

Kanji Jesus Chosenite

 Kanji Jesus Chosenite

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

- Male who want to be Dominated by Female is Dysgenic and Cacogenic result Gynocentrism Feminism caused the Destruction of Civilization.
- Men who desire to Dominate both male and female is Eugenic and Alpha Male.

Paul the Apostle of Tarsus

John the Baptist

Abraham Abram as some picture in Hebrew scriptures was not a marauding Nomad. When arriving in Egypt, he is immediately taken to the presence of Egyptian King. From there he engages in social scientific political discourse and negotiates treaties with dignitaries at high levels. When cohabitating with Canaanites, we find Abram careful to avoid local conflicts even with local rights such as water wells. Here we see a person trained in the fine arts of negotiation and diplomacy.

Ancient Linguists early compared Hebrew word Ibri with Hapiru which Egyptian Assyrian Babylonian in seventeenth eighteenth century called groups of western Semites who pillaged invaded borders of civilized city states. They were bandits of the era. Yet when we see Abraham becoming involved in the War of Kings, he refuses to take any booty for himself, reflecting the high conduct of a person of his stature.

Wisdom as depicted in science and art was the domain of Enki the chief scientist of Anunnaki and his children. This was an era depicted by the ancient in whom the “gods” may not be walking with man as depicted in the pre diluvium society, but there is direct evidence in all writings including both Sumerian Hebrew that Ancient Rulers communicated directly with their “gods”. The Anunnaki according Sitchen in his series of books called the Earth Chronicles, possessed a unique object called ME which was a kind of a computer or data disc which contained instructions for the science art handicrafts. This object numbered more than one hundred tablets which included: writing music metalworking construction transportation anatomy medical treatments flood control urban decay astronomy mathematics calendar. This object was lowered down from heaven or granted to mankind by the gods usually through a chosen person or group such as the priesthood.


Life of Nimrod inform us the strength and valor of mighty warrior was attributed to the possession of one of sacred relics of House of Noah, the garments of skins which God had made for Adam and his wife, when they went out of the garden. This sacred relic had been entrusted to the care by Enoch Methuselah Noah. Hashem gave Nimrod might and strength, and he was a mighty hunter in the earth, a mighty hunter in the field, and he hunted the animals and he built altars, and he offered upon them the animals before the Yahweh - Book of Jasher.

The first world government of Ancient World Order was formed and the seeds of world religious and political dominance were instilled in the power of the priestly hierarchy, the roots of the Chaldi, the secret wise ones were installed.

Samuel Kramer, in his book, History Begins at Sumer, lists the firsts in the Sumerian society. Justice demanded that the king was required to be righteous. The Law, as promulgated and instituted by the king, stated that citizen and king alike were to obey and uphold the tenets of the law. The Law Code was in essence codes of upright behavior, similar to the Hebraic law, the Ten Commandments which stated what is right, what is wrong and thereby should not be done. Though credited to Hammurabi, a Babylonian ruler 1000 years later, the codified law according Hammurabi was in essence not a law of behavior but rather a listing of crimes and the punishment needed to seek justice, a Law of Codes of Retribution. These laws were arbitrary and punitive. Rather than reflect a moral society, it was a legal attempt to arrest the behavior of an amoral and degenerate society.

The priestly dynasty passed down through the daughter of Ur On mother of Nahor grandfather of Abram. The traditions were then passed on to Terah and Abram. Abram learned the art of writing and the mysteries secrets of heavens from his daddy. The oracular mysteries were confined within the dynasty of his family. The power and social acclaim were his birthright.

The debacle of ultimate catastrophic collapse of Tower of Babel including a strange phenomenon in which the population became aphasic to their mother tongue, they could hear, but could not comprehend, and when they spoke, their language was different. Was it the role of the angels to carry a new root language to each different family tribe with impressions of oracular vibrations still unknown to this day ? Some scholars have suggested that language was by mental telepathy and that the telepathic powers of the brain were diminished so man had to communicate by oral speech. From Babel Tower, they migrated and settled in new homelands: Indus Valley China Egypt proto Mediterranean basin Meso America.

In Saga of Nimrod dream, the wise man, a Chaldi, who interpreted the dream was called Anuki. This returns us to the works of Zecharia Sitchin in which the name Anunnaki referred to those peoples who initially colonized earth as inhabitants when they came from the planet, Marduk, and was translated from Sumerian as “Those who from Heaven to Earth came.” (Sitchen, Zecharia, When Time Began, Avon Books, The Hearst Corp., NY p. 10) According author of Book of Jubilees, a tenth of spirits forms of the antediluvian Nephilim with Angel Mastema were allowed to interact not physically but in the spirit with inhabitants of post flood era. (Jasher 10:8)

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A high class family of Noble birth who lived and mingled with the high echelons of Sumerian Aristocracy. Νικόλαος Δαμασκηνός states, Abram reigned at Damascus, being a foreigner who came with an army out of the land above Babylon called the land of Chaldeans.

The debacle of catastrophic collapse of Tower Babel including a strange phenomenon in which population became aphasic to their mother tongue, they could hear, but could not comprehend and when they spoke, their language was different.

Some scholars suggested that language was by mental telepathy and the telepathic powers of brain were diminished so man had to communicate by oral speech. From Babel Tower, they migrated and settled in new homelands: Indus Valley China Egypt proto Mediterranean basin Meso America.

In Nimrodian dynasty, the prince of military hosts was led by Terah, high priest of Ur Harran, royal heir to the House of Shem, and a leader which the king and the princes loved him, and they elevated him very high… and dignified him above all his princes.

At the pinnacle of greatness, second in command of the empire of Sumer, Terah was wed to Amthelo, daughter of Cornebo. To this union was born a son, Abram. In celebration of his birth, a great party was thrown, the guest lists included heads of state wise alpha men and conjurors.

The evening of party, they witnessed an exploding star which came from the east which caused a vast luminescence and rapidly spread and covered the whole night time sky on the Mesopotamian delta.

This spectacular celestial scene prompted wise men, the Magi, to give their oracular interpretation to Nimrod that Terah's son, Abram would become powerful and rule all the kings of the earth, an international dynastic coup.

Priestly dynasty passed down through the daughter of Ur On mother of Nahor grandfather of Abram. Traditions were then passed on to Terah and Abram learned the art of writing and the mysteries secrets of heavens from his Daddy.

Happy Black History Month. Many Earliest Christian Saints in both Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodoxy have some Black heritage Sub Saharan African admixture.


Semitic religions believe in One Absolute Supreme God Yahweh Hashem Elohim. Semitic faith is based on rules and laws. Abrahamic religions are most popular. Abrahamic faiths have most influence to more than half of world population. Abrahamic Semitic Semites are Alpha Male Men.

Based Genetic structure from the oldest genetic sample available of population who established the First Christian nation of the world. Armenian and Georgian Jews are the best candidate presenting the Oldest genetic structure of Abrahamic descendants.

Splitting genetic material in purest components of main basal races, show the diversity history of humanity with many pattern of immigrant migration, Alpha male Domination and Ambitious conquest from Brave Hero and Fearless Villain. Of course both women and men love Alpha Males.

Genetic structure of modern descendants of Ancient Mesopotamian Civilizations linked with Anunnaki Sumerian Babylonian is mythical unique due to Tiny Aboriginal admixture with Dominant West Eurasian genetic component. Did Genetic Modification on human happen among Abraham Sons ?

The Ancient Genetic Modification activity on Abrahamic descendants given a desirable results with top notch scientists in the world who are mostly Aboriginal Whites of Armenian Georgian Kartvelian Ashkenazim based on the data of Soviet Scientists USSR 1973 Classified Information.

Some folks of European descendants grew up in safe space and high trust society, tend to ask naive question about Sources when pictures clearly state Leaked by Ex Mossad from Harvard University. It is naive to ask Sources of Leaked Classified Information from Government Elite.

Georgian Kartvelian have balanced genetic build in STEM talent pool and Defensive Warfare, they lack the Ambition to expand their territory and influence because Sophisticated High Quality stock emphasize on Spiritual well beings than Materialism Power.

The PCA map just shows how close each West Eurasian clusters are.
- Bar graph chart informs more details about what cause the distance among Dominant Western Eurasian groups with tiny genetic different from non-West Eurasian admixtures.
- Genetic Admixture Realism

Most Jew groups are Dominant West Eurasian in Hebrew genetic structure results higher chance of genius and talented leader. However, a small population with too many gifted rulers is not efficient to build a great empire due to the lack of collectivist effort and sheep mentality.

The critical question is that when the conflicts among Abrahamic descendants and Abraham's descendants and Abraham sons will end ? Genetic structures of Abrahamic sons show the most gifted DNA structures of Alpha Male Men who have strong desire of being leaders due to Dominant West Eurasian ADN components combined with tiny Sub Saharan African admixtures. Genetic admixture realism reflects the reality of genetical biological physical matters and some leftist liberal progressive folks may ignore it nor not fond of Biology genetic aspect but the reality is not very nice at all.



DNA structure of modern descendants of Ancient Mesopotamian Civilizations linked with Anunnaki Sumerian is uber unique due to Tiny Aboriginal admixture with Dominant West Eurasian genetic component. Genetic Modification did happened in Fertile Crescent.



We identify a putative Levantine ancestral component that diverged from other Middle Easterner ∼23700-15500 years ago during Last glacial period,
and diverged from European ∼15900-9100 years ago between Last Glacial Warming and the start of Neolithic.

Islamic expansion from Arabian Peninsula beginning in 7th century CE introduced lineages typical of Arab Peninsula into those who subsequently became Lebanese Muslims
and Crusader activity in 11-13th centuries CE introduced Western European lineages into Lebanese Christians.

Conversion of region's locals to Islam leading to genetic similarities between remarkably distant populations like Jordanian Moroccan Yemeni.
In contrast, Levant Christian and Druze, became genetically isolated.

We reconstructed genetic structure of Levantine and found that a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to European than Middle Easterner.

Sub Saharan African ancestry is ∼25% in Yemen, 4-8% in all Arabian and Near Easterner except in Samaritan and Druze with 0-2%.

Jews got Sub Saharan African admixture date of about 72 generations ago with 3-5% African genes.

Levantines harbor 4-15% African ancestry with an average mixture date of about 32 generations ago, consistent with close political economic and cultural links with Egypt in the late Middle Ages.

Genome Wide Diversity in the Levant Reveals Recent Structuring by Culture PMID: 23468648
Genetic Stratigraphy of Key Demographic Events in Arabia PMID: 25738654
The history of African gene flow into Southern European Levantine and Jew PMID: 21533020 


Genetic structure of Levantine before the expansion of Islamic DLC was more genetically similar to European than Middle Easterner PMID: 23468648

Based on the Genetic structure from the oldest genetic sample available of population who established the First Christian nation of the world. Armenian and Georgian Jew are the best candidates presenting the Oldest genetic structure of Abrahamic descendants PMID: 26486470 

Armenians are genetically isolated since the end of Bronze Age 3000 years ago.
By studying Jew Druze Christian of Near East, the Levant had more genetic affinity to Europe 2000 years ago than at present PMID: 26486470-20531471-21917723

Armenians have close genetic affinity to Jew Druze Lebanese Christians and genetic continuity with the Caucasus.


The New Belief system overthrow the Older Belief system. Rabbi Rebbe debating about moral issues. But by genetic pattern, Oldest Jew group is Georgian Jews, the Aboriginal admixture is more plenty among Hindu the Cow Worshiper. Ancient Israelites did worship the Golden Calf. 

Terah, Daddy of Abraham, was a worshipper of Marduk, the celestial warrior god, Mars. Babel Tower was dedicated to this orbiting celestial proto planet, which returned to an avenging destructive path to earth about every 52-54 years.

Imagine the fear, respect and terror created by protoplanet Marduk as every two years it made a commentary pass by over the earth. Each pass by was closer and closer until its nearest and most destructive orbital visit came on a fifty plus year anniversary.

An entire governmental department of that early Shinar was devoted to scientific evaluation of this cometary visitor. The department included the conjurors, which developed a whole system of predictive celestial sciences and the Magi.

The Magi, wise men studied the philosophical religious sociological implication of these semi centennial visits. Rituals religious symbolism was developed to appease Marduk Mars by using the images in stone or wood in effigies to be placed in homes for worship.

In his urban estate, Abraham's Daddy, Terah built twelve large statues, resided in private temple, constructed of stone and wood with the highest quality of artistry and craftsmanship in the Shinar peninsula.

Each effigy represented a deity for the month, representing the calenderic system utilized in Nippur, developed since the Noachian flood and the catastrophe which forced the earth to a new and further orbit from the sun increasing the yearly calendar from 290 to 300 days per year to 360 days per year. The Zodiac system was begun and Terah came from a long line of Oracle priests and the first disciples of the Zodiacian secret mysteries.


Western society the global economy, is built on the backbone of petroleum industry. No other industry has generated so much wealth for so many folks. Concerns about petroleum were a major factor in the defense of Kuwait during Gulf War and continue to be a central focus in Iraq war and other Middle Eastern conflicts.

Regardless of how one may choose to read Genesis, a belief in God as the Creator is fundamental to the Judeo Christian worldview. Scripture distinctly and repeatedly associates the Creatorship of God with His worship. The reason we worship God is because He created us and we are indebted to Him for our existence. False gods were false because they could not create, and because they claimed that ability without substance. More importantly to the scientific enterprise, God as Creator and Designer is the most viable and rational explanation for the origin of life and for the origin of information in living organisms.


The story of Haji Yearam is the first known to us where a person claims to have seen the ark himself. He was born in 1832 in Armenia, moved at sometime to Oakland, California, where he lived until he died in 1920. He related the following story to the people who were taking care of him shortly before he died. This story was related from memory by the people taking care of Haji, to Mr. Cummings, 32 years later.

"Haji Yearam' s parents and family lived at the foot of Greater Mount Ararat in Armenia. According to their traditions, they were descended directly from those who had come out of the ark, but who had never migrated from that country. The descendants of Ham and his sympathizers had migrated over into the land of Shinar and built the tower of Babel, and others had migrated to other countries, but Haji's forebearers had always remained near the mount where the ark had come to rest in a little valley surrounded by some small peaks about three-quarters or more up on the mountain.

"For several hundred years after the flood his forebearers had made yearly pilgrimages up to the ark to make sacrifices and to worship there. They had a good trail and steps in the steep places. Finally the enemies of God undertook to go to Ararat and destroy the ark, but as they neared the location there came a terrible storm that washed away the trail, and lightening blasted the rocks. From that time on, even the pilgrimages ceased, because they feared to betray the way to the ungodly and feared God' s wrath. They took that terrible storm to be a token that God did not want the ark disturbed until near the end of the world, when they believed that its presence would be revealed to the whole world. However, the tribesmen there handed down the legends from generation to generation, and from time to time lonely shepherds or hunters In very hot summers came back with stories that they had reached the little valley and had actually seen one end of the ark where it had been made visible by the melting of snow and ice.

"When Haji was a large boy, but not yet a man fully grown, there came to his home some strangers. If I remember correctly there were three vile men who did not believe the Bible and did not believe in the existence of a personal God. They were scientists and evolutionists. They were on this expedition specifically to prove the legend of Noah's Ark to be a fraud and a fake. They hired the father of young Haji Yearam as their official guide. (Haji at that time had not yet become a Haji, and was just a large boy). They hired the boy to assist his father as guide.

"It was an unusually hot summer, so the snow and glaciers had melted more than usual. The Armenians were very reticent to undertake any expedition to the Ark because they feared God's displeasure, but the father of Haji thought that possibly the time had come when God wanted the world to know the ark was still there and he wanted to prove to those atheists that the Bible story of the flood and the Ark is true.

"After extreme hardship and peril the party came to the little valley up on Greater Ararat, not on the very top, but a little down from the top. This little valley is surrounded by a number of small peaks. There the ark came to rest in a little lake, and the peaks protected it from the tidal waves that rushed back and forth as the flood subsided. On one side of the valley the water from the melting snows and glacier spills over in a little river that runs down the mountain As they reached this spot, there they found the prow of a mighty ship protruding out of the ice. They went inside the ark and did considerable exploring. It was divided into many floors and stages and compartments and had bars like animal cages of today. The whole structure was covered with a varnish or lacquer that was very thick and strong, both outside and inside the ship. The ship was built more like a great and mighty house on the hull of a ship, but without any windows. There was a great doorway of immense size, but the door was missing. The scientists were appalled and dumbfounded and went into a Satanic rage at finding what they had hoped to prove nonexistent. They were so angry and mad that they said they would destroy the ship, but the wood was more like stone than any wood we have now. They did not have tools or means to wreck so mighty a ship and had to give it up. They did tear out some timbers and tried to burn the wood, but it was so hard it was almost impossible to burn it.

"They held a council, and then took a solemn and fearful death oath. Any man present who would ever breathe a word about what they had found would be tortured and murdered." (Cummings, 1972; pg.190-192; emphasis ours).


World views consist of sets of paradigms. These are smaller sets of interrelated ideas which together form the whole. The European medieval world view, for instance, included such paradigms as belief in the Christian revelation, the divinely ordained authority of Church and State, and the finality of Greek science. The Renaissance modified this by reintroducing a paradigm of classical culture.

History shows a persistent human search for a unitary world view which co ordinates ethics and science into a single explanatory system. Some periods have seemed to approach this objective. For example, the Roman Empire under the Antonines and Europe at the height of the Middle Ages appear to have achieved a sort of synthesis, but this did not extend beyond their boundaries and was never universally accepted within them. The same search for a unitary worldview continues today, and has Darwin's Theory of Evolution as one of its basic paradigms.

At any time there seem to be three sorts of paradigm:
1.Those contribute to the current world-view.
2.Those can be harmonized with it.
3.Those cannot be harmonized with it.
The third category, if pursued, can generate a change in the world-view, sometimes called a gestalt switch.

The theory of evolution was such a paradigm. It was largely instrumental in causing a revolution in the scientific view of origins. This undermined the Victorian world-view and was largely responsible for the gestalt switch to today's evolution dominated world-view.

John Davison Rockefeller said:

The growth of a large business is merely the survival of the fittest. The "American Beauty" rose could be produced in splendour and fragrance which brings cheer to the beholder only by sacrificing the buds which grew up around it. It is not a lethal tendency in business, it is merely the working out of the law of nature and the law of God.

וְאַתֶּ֧ם תִּהְיוּ־לִ֛י מַמְלֶ֥כֶת כֹּהֲנִ֖ים וְג֣וֹי קָד֑וֹשׁ אֵ֚לֶּה הַדְּבָרִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר תְּדַבֵּ֖ר אֶל־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל

و شما برای من ساكنان كشور مربیان جهانی خداشناسی و ملتی مقدس باشید. این‏ها سخنانی است كه به فرزندان ییسرائل خواهی گفت


Saint Paul is Benjamin tribe. Saint Saul is Herodian. Robert Eisenman of California State University Long Beach proves that Saul Paul the Apostle was a member of the family of Herod the Great. Another oft-cited element of the case for Saul of Tarsus as a member of Herod's family is found in Romans 16:11 where Paul of Tarsus had written, Greet Herodion, my fellow White.

Saulus Paulus was not merely a plebian Jewish Shifu rabbi Jewish Sifu. He had political clout. When Saul Paul is arrested, the commander assigns, get this, 470 men to guard Paul’s life!

Get ready a detachment of two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea at nine tonight. Provide horses for Paul so that he may be taken safely to Governor Felix. (Acts 23:23) 200 soliders, 70 horsemen, 200 spearmen.

John the Baptist was a Judaean preacher active in the area of the Jordan River in the early 1st century AD. He is also known as Saint John the Forerunner in Eastern Orthodoxy, John the Immerser in some Baptist Christian traditions and Prophet Yahya in Islam. The followers of John the Baptiser are the Mandaeans.


Many secrets are hidden in Vatican library because there are too much information related to Super High advantaged technology came from extraterrestrial and what ex Mossad agents was able to leak from USA government is just a tiny part of Vatican secret, not even reach to 0.1%


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