Sunday, May 5, 2024

Uriah the Hittite Bathsheba is the great grandmother of Senpai Jesus Christ

Uriah the Hittite is the husband of Bathsheba.
Bathsheba is the great grandmother of Senpai Jesus Christ.

Uriah the Hittite is an Elite Soldier in the army of David,
king of Israel and Judah.

While Uriah was serving in King David's army abroad,
Emperor David, from the roof of his palace, looked down on his city
and spied upon Bathsheba bathing in the privacy of her courtyard.

Moved by lust at the sight of her, Emperor David called for Bathsheba
to be brought to him and slept with her, impregnating her.
In an effort to hide his misdeeds, King David called Uriah home from war,
hoping that Uriah and Bathsheba would have coitus and
that David would be able to pass David's child off as belonging to Uriah.

However, Uriah, being a disciplined soldier, refused to visit his waifu.

So David murdered Uriah by proxy by ordering all of Uriah's comrades
to abandon Uriah in the midst of battle,
so that Uriah ended up getting eliminated by an opposing army.
Following Uriah's death, David took Bathsheba as his eighth Waifu.

The Egyptian artists agree with the native Hittite monuments in representing the former with protrusive profile and Asiatic features - Archibald Henry Sayce 

God Chosen People have Epic Biblical stories in Holy Scripture of Torah Talmud Kabbalah Bible with amazing plot twits like Game of Thrones and Three Kingdoms such as Alpha Males did wrong but still get reward while Honest Hardworking Loyal folks get bad ending 

4000 years ago, God had to pick his chosen people. It was a tough decision to make. Lord finally settled for the one on the left.
- Arab
- European
1 Corinthians 1:25 Complete Jewish Bible For God's "nonsense" is wiser than humanity's "wisdom." And God's "weakness" is stronger than humanity's "strength."

ABRAM , his Sumerian name meant “Daddy’s Beloved”.
Terah, his daddy, not only was the head of the royal hosts of Nimrod,
but also high priest of Ur and accepted in the highest ranks
to performs the religious ceremonies at Nimmiru. Robert D. Mock MD

May Senpai Jesus's blood be upon us and our descendants !
New Testament phenotype after the Crucifixion of Senpai Jesus Christ
Wireless Genetic Modification Technology of Matthew 27:25 

Would you simp for Senpai Jesus Christ ?

احدى عينات تل مجيدو من الفترة بين 1500-1100 ق.م لديها تركيبة عجيبة غريبة فهي تجمع بين مكونات القوقاز ووادي الرافدين والهضبة الايرانية والاقوام الجرمانية والاقوام السامية وهذه الخلطة لاتنطبق الا على الكيشيين الذين عاشوا بنفس الحقبة في بلاد بابل

Portuguese and Spaniards explaining how they are WHITE

Areus, King of the Lacedaemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting:

We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered that both the Jews and the Lacedemonians are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Daddy Abraham - Josephus’s Antiquities, 12.4.10 

Relatives of Senpai Jesus Christ married into the Royal Bloodline of both European and Arab aristocrats, it is easier to spot them among the Priest class, their phenotype are similar and just one drop of Senpai Jesus Bloodline in a family is enough to trigger phenotype pop up in the family tree.

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