Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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Enoch 105 Genesis 6:4 Numbers 13:33 Psalm 133:2
1 Samuel 16:12 Lamentations 4:7


Splitting all genetic ingredients in the pure forms of main basal races by Global Admixture Analysis K6 Iosif Lazaridis, shows the hidden history of God Chosen People

Splitting all genetic ingredients
in the pure forms of main basal races
by Global Admixture Analysis K6 Iosif Lazaridis,
shows the hidden history of God Chosen People 


When Adonoy, your God, brings you into the land that you are coming there to inherit, Lord dislodges many nations from before you - the Hittite Girgashite Amorite Canaanite Perizzite Hivite Jebusite seven nations more numerous and more powerful than you

- Free earlobes or Detached earlobes are more common in European Caucasian Western Eurasian West Eurasian, African Sub Saharan African Bantu Black populations.
- Attached earlobes are more common in East Asian and Indigenous Native American aka Eastern Eurasian race.

Correspondence analysis depicting a global view of the relationship among Palestinians,
West Mediterraneans , East Mediterraneans , Greeks and sub Saharian populations
and Blacks according to HLA allele frequencies in three dimensions ( bidimensional
representation ) . HLA-DR and DQ ( low resolution ) allele frequencies data .

Correspondence analysis depicting a global view of the relationship among Palestinian West Mediterranean East Mediterranean Greek Sub Saharian populations and Black according to HLA allele frequencies in three dimensions (bidimensional representation) HLA-DR and DQ (low resolution) allele frequencies data.

The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations
Antonio Arnaiz Villena, Nagah Elaiwa, Carlos Silvera, Ahmed Rostom, Juan Moscoso, Eduardo Gómez Casado, Luis Allende, Pilar Varela, Jorge Martínez Laso 


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