Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Global Admixture Analysis K6 Peak Civilizations and Superpowers

When you see the world as you are playing Elden Ring or video game. Things become more clear.

Global Admixture Analysis K6
- Each color shows how much genetic components are shared among different ethnic groups around the world.

- Blue = Western Eurasian = White gene.
- Green and Yellow = Eastern Eurasian = Indigenous Native American and East Asian dna.
- Purple = Southern Eurasian = Aboriginal adn.
- Orange and Red = Sub Saharan African admixture.

Peak Civilizations or Superpowers tend to be Dominant Blue or Yellow such as Russian, Persian, Greek, Egyptian, Indian, Arab, Turk, Ashkenazim, Japanese.

- Arabs are not European whites, Arabs are Afro White and Whitest Africans are Arabs based on genetic admixture breakdown.

- Caucasus Caucasians such as Georgians and Armenians are Aboriginal Whites because they are Dominant Western Eurasians with Aboriginal admixture so Whitest Aborigines are Caucasians Caucasus.

- Europeans are Native Whites because they are Dominant Western Eurasians with Indigenous Native American admixture from Yamnaya so Whitest Native Americans are Europeans.

- Arabs are Afro Whites because Arabs are Dominant Western Eurasians with Sub Saharan African admixture so Whitest Africans are Arabs.

- Western Eurasians are the most powerful people on Earth. West Eurasians are everywhere from Northern African to Southern Asian to Central Asian to Western Asian to Middle Asian to European to Middle Eastern.

Just check Purple part in Greek genetic structure in Genetic admixture analysis K6,
- Georgians are the original Engineer race,
Kartvelians are the Aborigine Whites.
Greeks population have Aborigine admixture.
Most Greeks are Native White mixed Aboriginal White.

Georgian is the engineer race, the purest Aboriginal White. If you zoom in the genetic admixture among descendants of Ancient Mesopotamian civilizations from Arab, Western Asian, Levant Levantine all have Aboriginal admixture which show as tiny Purple color.

Geneticist education should be popular so everyone understand who they are and make their own decision based on the knowledge of nature, reality, morality with tolerant approach instead of forcing anyone into the mold of purist ideological perspective.

For non-West Eurasian such as people of color POC, the people of colour feel that Western Eurasians are the most competitive group on Earth who conquered other Indigenous Native not just by military force but also religious ideology from Abrahamic faiths Christianity to Islam.

By biological genetic perspective in the most technical point of view, the observation given the result that Western Eurasians spread their DNA everywhere from Northern African to Middle East to South Asian not just by physical force but also spiritual ideology.

Using physical force to eliminate the potential threats from the opponents while using spiritual ideology to convince the meek. Therefore, Military power and Religion are essential to conquer and maintain the top position in long term.

Western Eurasian is the most competitive group on Earth, they built Glorious Ancient Mesopotamian Civilizations, Egyptian, Assyrian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Sumerian belonged to West Eurasians from Northern African spread across Western Asian realm. Oh mighty West Western Eurasian.

Russian, Turkiye Turk, Persian have similar patterns:
- Strong empires.
- have East Asian admixture.
- Turks created Ottoman Empire and bullied Arab world ( Arabs are Afro Whites are Whitest Africans )
- Russia challenges whole Europe and rivals against American USA. 

The Only Things the United States of America Truly Fear are Genetics and Russia.

How to Measure a Civilisation ?
- We should judge a civilization by the taste of its cuisine.
Season food is the most important pillar of civilized society
because Tasty Healthy Food make people enjoy life quality better.
- We should rate a civilisation by how magnificent its architecture is.
Impressive buildings represent a very stronk technology civilization.

- However, any civilization can easily obtain delicious food
and high technology with training and education. Therefore,
TRUE Sophisticated Civilization is measured with Higher Standards :

The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky Slavic Lithuanian Ruthenian Russian

One of the tests of the civilization of people is the treatment of its criminals.
- Rutherford Hayes Celtic Scottish Germanic Yankee Gringo Guero

The moral test of government is how it treats those who are in the dawn of life,
the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged;
and those in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.
- Hubert Horatio Humphrey Jr. Nordic Norwegian Murican

Remarks at the dedication of the Hubert H. Humphrey Building, November 1, 1977, Congressional Record, November 4, 1977, vol 123, p. 37287.

Strong Shifu vibe of a Hebraic Elder who holds abundant wisdom from the Glorious Moses Sifu who masters the way of Tzadik to purify the world through the knowledge of the precious Torah belonged to the Forgotten Ancient Civilizations admired by many Pharaohs.

When a prominent Rabbi with Asiatic vibe becomes famous worldwide and being mentioned numerous times on big media, either he is the Messiah or the next Khan.

Ancient Egyptians described the Canaanites and Levantines as fair skinned Asiatics - according from the book : Rise of the Hyksos: Egypt and the Levant from the Middle Kingdom to the Early Second Intermediate Period by Anna-Latifa Mourad .


Ancient Egyptians described the Canaanites and Levantines
as fair skinned Asiatics - according from the book :
Rise of the Hyksos: Egypt and the Levant from the Middle Kingdom
to the Early Second Intermediate Period by Anna-Latifa Mourad .

Joseph statue at his grave in Egypt was made with red hair .
And they were called Asiatics by Indigenous Native Egyptians
from Eden to exile by David Rohl. Therefore, Jesus Christ is Asiatic White .

- Ancient Egyptian records reveal the biggest Torah Biblical plot twist
that the Earliest Original Ancestors of Jesus Christ are the
Ancient Noble Elites with Ginger Beard Red Hair and Asiatic appearance .

Each religions were developed with variety of characteristic such as how strict the laws, how tolerance, how harsh punishment, are results of Genetic biology of original Religion Founders to create a specific culture as religious belief to bring order in society.

The most benevolent approach that brings order and safety for society in the most efficient way is creating a religion with harshest punishment to eliminate criminal behavior.

Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets.
I have come not to abolish but to complete.
Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away,
not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah
— not until everything that must happen has happened.
Matthew 5:17-18 Complete Jewish Bible 

Christianity is the most Philo Semitic faith and the most Naive Altruistic religion of the Meekest of the Meek.

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the foreigner as yourself - Leviticus 19:34

It is through Christianity that
Judaism has really conquered the world .
Christianity is the masterpiece of Judaism .
Joseph Ernest Renan


These are the ideal male Chosenites.
You may not like them, but these are what peak prophecy looks like.

- Remove the inconsistent admixture of Ashkenazim such as Purple & Green, then Orange from Exodus 12.
- Then ancestors of Abraham, Jacob, Isaac and Jesus Christ are around 1~2% East Asian admixture while 98~99% Dominant Western Eurasian DNA so Jesus is Asiatic White.

The Armenian people is the mythical multi-headed dragon called the hydra, in place of each crushed head of which a new and more powerful one grows - Raffi

Genetic builds of Greeks, Armenians and Jewish Jews

O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are never anything but children, and there is not an old man among you - Plato

A strange people from Asia who drifted into our territories. ~ Johann Gottfried Herder

Հայ ժողովուրդն այն բազմագլուխ առասպելական վիշապն է, որ կոչվում է հիդրա, որի յուրաքանչյուր ջախջախված գլխի տեղ բուսնում է նորը և ավելի զորավորը - Րաֆֆի

עם מוזר מאסיה שנסחף אל מחוזותינו. ~ יוהאן גוטפריד הרדר

העברים עשו למען התרבות יותר מכל אומה אחרת ...הם העניקו את הדת לשלושה רבעים מהעולם והשפיעו על התפתחות האנושות יותר מכל אומה אחרת, עתיקה או מודרנית. ~ ג'ון אדמס. הנשיא השני של ארצות הברית

Thou shall guzzle the milk of the Gentiles,
Suckle at the breast of Kings. Isaiah 60:16

Thou shall guzzle the milk of the Gaijins,
Suckle at the breast of Kings. Isaiah 60:16

你 也 必 喫 萬 國 的 奶
又 喫 君 王 的 奶

Genetic biological admixture analysis breakdown strengthens the mythical aspect of Torah Biblical in the most straightforward and simplified view.

- Arabs are Afro Whites because Arabs are Dominant Western Eurasians with Sub Saharan African admixture so Whitest Africans are Arabs.
- Europeans are Native Whites because Gringos are Dominant Western Eurasians with Indigenous Native American admixture from Yamnaya so Whitest Native Americans are Europeans.
- Caucasus Caucasians such as Georgians and Armenians are Aboriginal Whites because they are Dominant Western Eurasians with Aboriginal admixture so Whitest Aborigines are Caucasians Caucasus.

Current identity norm is very Eurocentric and ideological political motive and also not very sensible neither accuracy in Biological view which is more technical accuracy.
- If Middle East becomes the central of superpower, then the White standard will change.

Jesus was not European White, Prophet Muhammad wasn't White European.
Both Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammad were related as far distant cousins.

If we follow both Ancient Egyptian document about the characteristic of the original ancestors of Hebraic Hebrews and Jesus Christ combined with Arab account of the majestic beauty of Prophet Muhammad who is Jesus' far distant cousin then Jesus was Asiatic White.

Genetic admixture analysis breakdown enchant the mythical aspect of Biblical Torah and the miracle of the Chosenite Chosen people with the most unique DNA and coincidence admixture which proved that Torah Bible is indeed based since the benign of times. 

It is straightforward which based on ancient religious scripture from diversity of sources such as Ancient Egyptian document to Arab account collaborating with biological genetic admixture analysis breakdown in international global scale.

Genetic admixture analysis view proved that the most miracle people of history is Ashkenazim
- There is no other groups with the most coincidence DNA admixture that strictly linked with Torah Biblical connection of Deuteronomy 26:5 than Ashkenazi Jews.

The spike Orange dash on Lebanese genetic admixture analysis bar showed the recent Admixture from African admixture which is indirectly from Gulf Arab and Northern Africans due to the Rise of Islam.
- After Islam expansion, Levant Levantine got more African dna

Mainstream Western view and American academic perspective are very Ideological Purist which side on Nurture than Nature.
- If Biological perspective enchants the Mythical aspect of Torah Bible and strengthens Theological view especially Mandate of Heaven concept then there is something involved by the Supernatural of the Highest Divinity.

If genetic may affect or influence cultural choices and politics then the Chosenite Chosen people were and always in the most intense situation with the diversity of opponents from more powerful and numerous people with more diverse DNA. So Diversity is Our Strength.

Through out history, the Chosenite Chosen people Jewish Jew of Hebraic Hebrews seem to have more issues with Aboriginal White and Afro White who are Arab and Persian most while the hardcore simping fans for Jewry Jews are Native Whites who are European simp.

The Chosenite Chosen people of Jewish Jewry Jew will have to choose and stay consistently with one side or else the whole world of diversity will united and against them. Either Jewry Hebrews pick Eastern Eurasian side or prefer Afro and Aboriginal side.

Unlike the majority of Arabs from Gulf states, the Levant Levantines tend to have some individual with unique appearance and mythical vibe :
- He probably has spiritual power and may aids you after he passed away .

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world - Matthew 28:20
We Germans have a far greater and more urgent duty towards civilization to perform than the Great Asiatic Power. We, like the Japanese, can only fulfill it by the sword. Friedrich von Bernhardi Friedrich Adam Julius von Bernhardi
To no class of our population are we more indebted for valuable qualities of head, heart, and hand, than to the German. Say what we will of their lager, their smoke, and their metaphysics, they have brought to us a fresh, vigorous and child-like nature; a boundless facility in the acquisition of knowledge; a subtle and far-reaching intellect, and a fearless love of truth. Though remarkable for patient and laborious thought, the true German is a joyous child of freedom, fond of manly sports, a lover of music, and a happy man generally. Frederick Douglass, "Our Composite Nationality" (7 December 1869), Boston, Massachusetts

- Spaniards are Native White mixed Afro White,
the power house of Catholic force who spread Catholicism to Latin American Hispanic Latino.
- Greeks are Native White mixed Aboriginal White,
the power house of Eastern Orthodoxy who spread Orthodoxy to Russians and Slavic Slavs.