Friday, September 1, 2023

What is spiritual aesthetic - Spiritual Aesthetic Definition Twitter

What is spiritual aesthetic - Spiritual Aesthetic Definition Twitter

What is spiritual aesthetic ? Spiritual aesthetic is a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of religious activities and religious items such as garment, vestment, headdress and religious music and religious architecture. Religion without beautiful spiritual aesthetics, is a dry religion. Religion with beautiful aesthetics, has higher potential to attract intellectual converts because the high sense of beauty is associated with intelligence and high standard personality. Spiritual aesthetic is the most sincere expression of human beings who put a lot of effort into making something pretty to offer to the highest ultimate God. 

希伯來書 4:12 Hebrews
神 的 道 是 活 潑 的
是 有 功 效 的
比 一 切 兩 刃 的 劍 更 快
甚 至 魂 與 靈
骨 節 與 骨 髓
都 能 刺 入 剖 開
連 心 中 的 思 念 和 主 意
都 能 辨 明


The gifted Iranian race, physically the noblest and the most beautiful of all known to me, has exercised upon the world-history an amount of influence which has not yet been fully recognized. Richard Francis Burton

From Eden to exile by David Rohl
Chapter Eight
famous coat-of-many-colours. This was no ordinary statue. It was nearly three metres high. It depicted Joseph in his prime, with flame-red hair, a pale yellow skin tone (to indicate his northern origins), and a throw-stick held across the right shoulder as his symbol of high office … but also clearly marking him out as an Asiatic (and not Egyptian) servant of Pharaoh. The body of the statue was painted as if wrapped in the full-length robe of the vizier. But it was a vizier's cloak of a very different kind - decorated in an elaborate pattern of reds, blues, blacks and whites to represent the woven coat-of-many-colours' of a Middle Bronze Age Asiatic chieftain.

This was an extraordinary burial for a commoner

Jesus Christ the Asiatic King of Celestial Kingdom the Ruler of Heavenly Realm the Emperor of Central World

Optimized Jesus Christ appearance based Ancient Egyptian record, Genetic admixture lens, Torah Biblical verse connection.
- If Jesus looks handsome then most folks believe him due to his majestic appearance instead of pure faith which is opposite to the prophecy.

He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. Isaiah 53:2

Lamentations 4:7 Complete Jewish Bible
Her princes were purer than snow; they were whiter than milk ,
their bodies more ruddy than pink pearls, as beautiful as sapphires .

Ancient Egyptians described
the Canaanites and Levantines
as fair skinned Asiatics -
Rise of the Hyksos by Anna-Latifa Mourad

1 Samuel 16:12 - He sent and brought him in. With ruddy cheeks, red hair and bright eyes, he was a good-looking fellow. Hashem said, “Stand up and anoint him; he’s the one.”

The majority of Western Eurasian males is rarely have a suitable face for Zen aesthetic due to eye socket is too deep and eye shape is big. Ironically, Ashkenazi Hasidic Jews tend to have some religious men with interesting, rare unique phenotype with Zen vibe.

Scientists should investigate this interesting phenomena among Ashkenazim Hasidic Jewish Jews who have the Zen aesthetic vibe with rare phenotype like this Tzadik Ashkenazic Hasidic Chosenite of Chosen people

By DNA perspective, Jews won over so diversity of White
- Afro White: Ancient Egyptian
- Aboriginal White: Ancient Persian, Babylonian
- Native White: Roman, Greek
- Ancient Hebrews were Asiatic White by Egyptian account with is 1~2% East Asian admixture while Dominant Blue.

Christianity is beneficial for Jews a lot because the Chosen people are not fond of heavy labour such as construction, fixing house so being Catholic priest or Orthodox priest is suitable Exodus 19:6. Eastern Orthodoxy is better choice due to Orthodox Priests are allowed to marry and having children which fulfills Jewish Torah Biblical prophecy of Exodus 19:6 Genesis 1:28 Be fruitful and multiply.

Most Christians forget the case of Exodus 19:6, Jewish Jews make a lot of money & send some Jewry Jews to become priests in many religious organizations of many branches of Christianity from Roman Catholic to Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestant sects due to highest Verbal intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews

Ashkenazim descendants done excellent job in Russia and USA, some Catholic priest and Orthodox priest tend to have Jewish look but not too obvious of course. While Leftist Liberal Hollywood Jews are opposite to Exodus 19:6.

Christianity helps the Chosenite Chosen people of Jewish Jew descendants to establish the Brahmin class in many nations. Majority priests of Christian faith are Ashkenazi descendants.

Christianity is the most Philo Semitic faith and the most Naive Altruistic religion of the Meekest of the Meek.

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the foreigner as yourself. Leviticus 19:34

It is through Christianity that
Judaism has really conquered the world.
Christianity is the masterpiece of Judaism.
Joseph Ernest Renan

With Gifted genetic comes Great responsibility.
- Geneticist education must be combined within Torah education to develop the high sense of nobility, morality, and honor to create Jewish Warrior Class.

Chosen people are expected to have the highest standards of morality.

- Exodus 19:6: you shall be unto me a Kingdom of Priests, and a Holy Race.
- Amos 3:2: You only have I singled out of all the families of the earth: therefore will I visit upon you all your iniquities.

阿 摩 司 書 3:2 - 

在 地 上 萬 族 中
我 只 認 識 你 們
因 此
我 必 追 討 你 們 的 一 切 罪 孽

阿 摩 司 書 3:2 - 在 地 上 萬 族 中
我 只 認 識 你 們
因 此
我 必 追 討 你 們 的 一 切 罪 孽

Peak Southern Eurasian Civilization is not in India
but on the top of Caucasus mountain ruled by the Armenians
and the Georgians are their archrival. 

The ancestor of Abraham is not Arab nor European neither Western Asian nor Northern African; and only the Ashkenazim is the least mixed population because Ashkenazi Jews have the most Dominant Western Eurasian DNA than the rest of Middle Eastern. 

Germanic and Hebraic are just two sides of the same coin.
One rules the world with Sword
and the other rules the world with Word.

The Jewish Torah's Biblical verses are very straightforward, honest and clear as the Morning Sun rising upon the Mountain of Sinai and yet so many Christians forget the sophisticated aspect of the holy prophecy of Exodus 19:6.

By Global Admixture Analysis K6, Genetic Biological perspective shows that, the peak of Southern Eurasian Civilization is not in India but on the top of Caucasus mountain ruled by the Armenians and the Georgians are their archrival. Oh, Sons of Hayk Nahapet Հայկ Նահապետ and Sons of Kartlos ქართლოსი. 

The peak of Southern Eurasian Civilization is not in India but on the top of Caucasus mountain ruled by the Armenians and the Georgians are their archrival. Oh, Sons of Hayk Nahapet and Sons of Kartlos.

The Greeks were chosen for their unique contributions to art and philosophy,
the Romans for their pioneering services in law and government,
the British for bringing parliamentary rule into the world,
the Americans for piloting democracy in a pluralistic society.
The Jews were chosen by God to be 'peculiar unto Me'
as the pioneers of religion and morality;
that was and is their national purpose.
Chief Shifu Immanuel Jakobovits, Baron Jakobovits 

Europeans did have cultures,
Americans are so ignorant that
Alpha Greek Elders lost their hairlines
to create the Foundation of Western Civilization
and Alpha Greeks protect Europe from
the Invasion of Sigma Persian who is
the Creator of Middle Asian Central Asian Civilization 

We need to observe the capacity of building peak Civilizations with diversity aspect influenced from genetic biology to understand the mysterious way of Hashem who created many Stronk and ambitious ethnic groups with unique DNA build to conquer others.
True Alpha is Greek !

Hayk was a handsome, friendly man, with curly hair, sparkling eyes, and strong arms. He was a man of giant stature, a mighty archer and fearless warrior. Hayk and his people, from the time of their forefathers Noah and Japheth, had migrated south toward the warmer lands near Babylon. In that land there ruled a wicked giant, Bel. Bel tried to impose his tyranny upon Hayk's people. But proud Hayk refused to submit to Bel. As soon as his son Aramaniak was born, Hayk rose up and led his people northward into the land of Ararad. At the foot of the mountain he built a village and gave it his name, calling Haykashen.

Moses of Chorene, History of Armenia I.10–12

Just like Yin vs Yang, Alpha vs Omega.
- The epic heavenly rivalry between Aryan Rebbe VS Steppe Rabbi are endless until Messiah come.
- The game of thrones competition between Western Eurasian VS Eastern Eurasian are infinite with the rise and fall of many Empires 

Russians should realize that they are Orthodox in the first place; Russians in the second place; and only in the third place, people. Aleksandr Dugin

Russians should realize that

they are Orthodox in the first place;

Russians in the second place;

and only in the third place, people.

Александр Гельевич Дугин

There will be a great war between Russians and Europeans, and much blood will be spilled.
St. Paisios of Mt.Athos 1994 (Greece)

There will be a great war
between Russians and Europeans,
and much blood will be spilled.
St. Paisios of Mt.Athos 1994

Every nation has its own great national idea,
the same idea - world domination.
Only the Russians have a different,
diametrically opposite one: to prevent the realization
of the great national ideas of the rest of the world!
- Ива́н Ива́нович Охлобы́стин

Greeks gave Eastern Orthodoxy to Slavic folks
The Slavs became the guardians of the Eastern Orthodox faith 

Greeks gave Eastern Orthodoxy to Slavic folks
The Slavs became the guardians of the Eastern Orthodox faith.
- Russians sacrificed themselves most in World War II.
- Russia is a bloody land of faith, the last hope of humanity, the last bastion of Christianity.

Ashkenazi Jews are the strongest Jewish group
because Ashkenazic Jews are the most powerful Hebrew force.

Ashkenazim is like a sleeping dragon,
when the Abrahamic dragon wakes up,
he will shake the world
because Hebrew is who wrestled with God and humanity Genesis 32:28

Any reasonable men will question about
the unique of Jewish genes
among the Ashkenazi Jews,
for there is no Hebrew groups having
the most consistent East Asian admixture
like the Ashkenazim,
the strongest Chosenite group
among the God's Chosen people.

Everyone love Alpha Men since ancient ages
so Alpha males spread their genes everywhere.
Macho Greek Elders are the first Alpha Male Men
who civilized other tribes outside Europe
since the benign of humanity according to Enoch 105.
The Protocols of the Alpha Elders of Athens !

Western Eurasians are the most competitive race, not only in materialism but also in spirituality.
The Chosen people meme
4000 years ago, God had to pick his chosen people. It was a tough decision to make. He finally settled for the one on the left.
The Game of Thrones among Western Eurasian race is like the Three Kingdoms of Western Eurasian edition. There are three main forces which are Arab, European and Hebrew.
- Arabs have Islam, Europeans have Christianity and Hebrews have Hasidic Hasidism.

- Among Europeans, there are fierce competition between Germanic and Slavic Slav, Anglo Saxon White American and Hispanic Latino Latin American.
- Among Islamic realm of Western Asian Middle Eastern, there is the epic game of thrones between Arab and Persian and Turk.

East Asian admixture is very based when Eastern Asian admixture mixed with Dominant Western Eurasian genes as we observe that USA's Strongest Enemies have Eastern East Asian admixture from Russian to Persian to Afghanistan to half Syrian population even Ashkenazi Jews ?

The United States of American’s greatest ally is Ashkenazim and strongest enemies are Russia and China.

China is the most powerful and strongest resistant force of Eastern Eurasian of East Asian
since the East Eurasian of Indigenous Native American was already lost due to the Domination of Anglo Saxon and Spaniard after the discovery of Murican continent.

Greeks gave Eastern Orthodoxy to Slavic folks
The Slavs became the guardians of the Eastern Orthodox faith.
Russians are the perfect combination of Native Indigenous American and East Asian and White.
Strongest and biggest European nation and the last bastion of Christianity is Russia.

Majority of Superpowers are Western Asians
who built Mysterious Ancient Mesopotamian Civilizations
- while Europeans are the rising force
of Eastern Eurasian admixtures
of Indigenous Native American and East Asian
mixed with Dominant Western Eurasian DNA

Majority Mexicans are descendants of European mixed Indigenous Native American with some African admixture indirectly from Northern African, Moor, Sub Saharan African and same case applied to most Hispanic Latino Latin American Latinx. 

Modern descendants of Ancient Cradles of Civilizations are mainly Western Eurasian population that spread across Northern African to Middle Eastern to Western Asian to Southwest Asian to Indus Valley between Southern Asian and Central Asian and South Asian and Middle Asian.

Modern conceptions of “White” are incoherent and don’t match any actual scientific or historical evidence. It’s basically become a political-cultural distinction.

The Slavs think with their hearts while the Germans think with their heads.

Americans make very poor Germans ,
but Germans make very good Americans
… perhaps the best - Henry Miller 

If we look at genetic admixture analysis K6,
majority superpowers and modern descendants of Ancient Cradles of Civilizations are mostly Western Eurasian show as Blue gene bar,
and Eastern Eurasian which are Green and Yellow.
Green is Native American and Yellow is East Asian.

The Chinese and the Chosenite Jewish Jew Chosen people are descendants of Ancient Cradles of Civilizations with long lengthy history and diverse traditional rituals, for sure the Chinese and Jews are hardcore ritual enjoyers. Enjoy Cultural Enrichment.

Goyim should enjoy the cultural enrichment from the Hashem's Chosen people by observing the God's Chosen people doing mysterious ritual with amazing Talmudic music. And unto your light, nations shall walk, and kings unto the brightness of your rising Isaiah 60:3

Talmudic Ritual is amazing through, the Chosenite Chosen people do have interesting Talmudic Music.
You can feel strong Kabbalah energy and mysterious vibe when observing the Hebraic Hebrews doing Kabbalah Talmudic Ritual which is quite a cultural enrichment experience.

With Gifted genetic comes Great responsibility.
The more Gifted DNA the more responsibility and heavier punishment from Hashem.
Would you rather to be unattractive with least punishment from God
or be attractive with harsh punishment from Hashem ?

By genetic biological perspective, as we seen that Jewish neighborhood surrounding nations in Middle Eastern and Northern African and Western Asian are Dominant Western Eurasian folks.
Among West Eurasian population, more Blue mean Less mixed with non-Western Eurasian. 

What is the measurement of holy ?
Is the holiness base on individual merit or collectivist identity ?
- You can cherry picking any bad apple and best individual in any groups.
- Any reasonable folks will pick peak males from West Eurasian to either rule or serve them. 

Alpha males seek Spiritual Destiny
because Alpha men want to be closer to God
almost as possible
in this Earthy realm,
a land full of Beta males and simps.
All Civilizations will fall
but Alpha men stay with us
until the end of the world.

Judging by his facial structure, Eastern Eurasian admixture of Indigenous Native American combined Western Eurasian give a specific look.
- Most Native Whites are ideologist purist, naive altruistic, pure heart, sensitive, only sweet words convince him, not harsh nor brutality.

- European powers concern about human rights, so the flood of migrants will put their morality in realistic test.
- People who like to tell others what is "morality" while living in safe space such as Europeans need to be exposed to outside world.
- True universal concept of morality will be clearly defined in worst human conditions and brutal conflicts.

One of the strongest impressions I had when I lived with the Arabs,
was the 'everyday-ness' of God.
He ruled their eating, their travelling, their business, their loving.
He was their hourly thought, their closest friend,
in a way impossible to people
whose God is separated from them by the rites of formal worship.
Ronald Victor Courtenay Bodley 

Arabs are the most noble people in lineage,
the most prominent, and the best in deeds.
Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari

One of the strongest impressions I had
when I lived with the Arabs,
was the 'everyday-ness' of God.
Ronald Victor Courtenay Bodley 

Christianity is like an open source,
some ethnicity uses Christianity to build a civilization,
others just larping as Christians in name only while worshiping Santa Muerte, Hollywood celebrities, money, political ideology. 

- Germanic Christianity is better than Mexicanic Christianity or Haitianic Christianity due to the lack of worshiping Santa Muerte and Voodoo.
- Therefore, the Germanic edition of Christianity was the peak version of Christianity for the purpose of building high trust society.

The greatest flaw of White Americans besides the typical pathological altruism that comes with being racially Northern European, is that they’re just way too nice to be as chauvinistic as other nationalities are — they’re too nice to other nationalities that relentlessly poke fun at them. I kind of wish White Americans were a more ruthlessly chauvinistic people, like the Swiss are toward other Europeans. Counterintuitively, I think this would cause other Western nationalities to respect Americans more, even if they didn’t like Americans. No one respects nice guys.

Ancient Egyptian records reveal the biggest Torah Biblical plot twist
that the Earliest Original Ancestors of Jesus Christ are the
Ancient Noble Elites with Ginger Beard Red Hair and Asiatic appearance .

Ancient Egyptians described the Canaanites and Levantines
as fair skinned Asiatics - according from the book :
Rise of the Hyksos: Egypt and the Levant from the Middle Kingdom
to the Early Second Intermediate Period by Anna-Latifa Mourad .

Joseph statue at his grave in Egypt was made with red hair .
And they were called Asiatics by Indigenous Native Egyptians
from Eden to exile by David Rohl. Therefore, Jesus Christ is Asiatic White .

Ancient Egyptian document is very interesting because Antique Egyptian account reveals the rarest phenotype of rarest chance about the original earliest ancestors of Ancient Hebrews with 1~2% Ancient East Asian admixture while 98~99% Dominant Western Eurasian DNA.

The Last Bastion of Eastern Eurasian Civilization is East Asian.
- The East Eurasian Civilisation of Indigenous Native American is already ruined after Christopher Columbus Spaniard Iberian discovered American continent.
- It is over .

- Do Nipponese Japanese need more Diversity and Cultural Enrichment since Spaniards already ruined Eastern Eurasian civilization of Native American ?
- The last bastion of East Eurasian civilization is East Asian.

Central Asian Middle Asians are Islamicized and and Turkic Turks are mixed Western Eurasians so Islamized and mixed West Eurasian don't count as True Eastern Eurasian civilization due to Islamic influence.
Only True East Eurasian civilization is East Asian.

Chinese and Japanese are Pure Eastern Eurasian of East Asian.
- Indigenous Native American is also East Eurasian but they are completely dominated by Southern European Iberian Spaniard to become Hispanic Latino Latin American and heavily mixed with Western Eurasian.

Ancient Egyptian records inform the Earliest Original Ancestor of Hebrew Hebraic people is the Ancient Noble Elite with Ginger Beard Red Hair of Asiatic appearance which is a huge Torah Biblical plot twist about the ancient noble elite of Jewish Chosenite Chosen people #eliterace

Rabbi look smart, Rebbe is the elite class of Jewish Jew both spiritually and biological genetically because Ravs have best intellectual gene and Hebrew Shifu is peak Elite stock of Chosenite Chosen people so it is reasonable to pick Hebrew Sifu as the ultimate depiction.